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Dim in a sentence

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Sentence count:195+16Posted:2016-12-04Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: darkishfaintindistinctpalevagueweakAntonym: brightlightSimilar words: dimmerdiminishdimensiondiminutiondiminutiveimpedimentdimensionsMeaning: [dɪm]  v. 1. switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam 2. become or make darker 3. become dim or lusterless 4. make dim or lusterless 5. make dim by comparison or conceal 6. become vague or indistinct. adj. 1. lacking in light; not bright or harsh 2. lacking clarity or distinctness 3. made dim or less bright 4. offering little or no hope 5. slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity. 
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(91) Flickering beams of dim light came with it, caressing the machinery which shielded their source from direct view.
(92) The prospect of a full-blown auction for Cogeco is dim, given that Messrs.
(93) The resistance is buttressed by dim understanding of how a decentralized approach can improve matters.
(94) Dim Sum Dictionary A word about dim sum in general: It is not for people who must know every ingredient.
(95) As a keen amateur astronomer I take a dim view of being mistaken for a fortune teller!
(96) Many travel experts branded the City of Lights a dim bulb in their forecasts for 1996.
(97) It arouses dim memories of that tragic time when the flow of milk ceased for the child, when he was weaned.
(98) I looked at the altimeter, but it was too dim to read.
(99) Only a dim light glowed in the direction of the stairs.
(100) It had been refitted with a low-watt bulb practically too dim to see by, in order to save electricity.
(101) She's not the brightest kid in the class -- in fact,( ) she's quite dim.
(102) A dim light came from the single electric bulb in the ceiling of the room.
(103) The few planetaries bright enough to be seen with binoculars show up in the guise of dim, ill-defined stars.
(104) Isabel raised her left hand and peered at the ring in the dim light cast by the clock-candle burning near the bed.
(105) Coconut and banana trees quickly give way to a dim still forest.
(106) He turned, his eyes resting momentarily upon the dim, grey shape of the funerary couch.
(107) And when it becomes too dim, it must be abandoned and replaced.
(108) General Paul Gorman, a friend, actually gave rival briefings explaining how dim the contras' chances were.
(109) There was nothing in the room but a table, a chair, and a dim lamp.
(110) High-tech digital cameras are used extensively in astronomy to capture dim light from distant galaxies.
(111) Pushing the door open, she entered a dim chamber similar to the one in which they had first met Dubois.
(112) Something should be celebrated after all, in these dim days.
(113) Into a different room now. High, high ceilings, like in a cathedral - dim, dusty, bare.
(114) I am sure in the dim and distant past it had been filched from the wall.
(115) There were those in the dim corridors of Headquarters who said that his rise had been too fast.
(116) We could only see a dim outline of a ship in the distance.
(117) The always dim lights were not working, but the soldiers no longer shone their flashlights into our faces.
(118) The flashlight threw a dim circle of light onto the wall.
(119) The electorate took a dim view of this practice when the government used it to get the consumption tax through in December.
(120) He saw the dim outline of the taxi-driver's head inside the cab.
More similar words: dimmerdiminishdimensiondiminutiondiminutiveimpedimentdimensions
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