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Computation in a sentence

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Sentence count:164+1Posted:2017-04-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: calculationcomputingfiguringreckoningSimilar words: deputationreputationamputatemutationcommutationsalutationpermutationtransmutationMeaning: [‚kɒmpjuː'teɪʃn]  n. 1. the procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods 2. problem solving that involves numbers or quantities. 
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61. Ratio of the value of futures contracts purchased or sold to the value of the cash commodity being hedged, a computation necessary to minimize basis risk.
62. The manner of this computation is consigned to Appendix 1 . 3.
63. After 59 times of iterative computation, the optimized structure parameters were obtained. The maximum stress decreased by 33.5%.
64. In particular, with the the increasing of dimentions of regular packing-graphics and irregular graphics, the complexity of computation increases rapidly.
65. DNA computing, as a new paradigms in computation technology, employs DNA molecular computation, having uncomparable advantages compared with conventional computers. Thus attracts great attention.
66. The weighing data, the compiles statistical data, the report form data only depend on manual record, computation.
67. The digital computer, in its computation section, can do mainly two things - add or subtract.
68. The preliminary computation is the same as that for ordinary levelling.
69. Vector-matrix multiplication(VMM) is a computation which can be applied in a variety of fields, and optical vector-matrix multiplier(OVMM) can exert the parallel feature of optical processing.
70. The condition and approach of predigestion computation isp ut forward. Its result indicates that causality diagram is more effective than FTA in security analysis and assessment.
71. The profiles of density, velocity, temperature, pressure and Mach number can be obtained by the computation.
72. When manual design calculation must undergo many times the iterative computation, very troublesome time-consuming, but using computer time, the design calculation is very convenient effectively.
73. This thesis accesses distributed computation upon network topology by using the technology of XML data object.
74. Contrasted with the methods in time space domain, this one has high computation efficiency and is prone to image, because all its computation is in frequency space domain.
75. Simulate computation demonstrates that the result identical with qualitative analysis.
76. A differential arithmetic is proposed for simplifying the observational equation as well as for avoiding the computation of the unknown integer constant.
77. I divisional illicIt'says and cannot issue generation server and enterprise computation even.
78. This algorithm and ideas have preferable utility value in three zone setting computation of protections in electric power system.
79. The trusted computing based on the hardware security module supporting is the platform to enhance the whole security broadly used in the computation and the communications system.
80. A new maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of blur parameter adjustment and the iterative computation load.
81. The computation results show that parallel genetic algorithm is fit for data reduction problem with large scale and large data sample point.
82. According to the principle of mimimum transmission error, the diagram computation formula and waveform are given, the method of performance measurement is illustrated too.
83. The wide application of electronic computers in science and technology will free man from the labour of complicated measurement and computation.
84. A type of low-dissipation and low-dispersion high-order finite difference scheme is studied for computation of wave motion.
85. By using the Pole-Zero as the analytical means in EWB circuit analysis,( the transfer function was analysed in complicated circuit or system to replace the dull and onerous manual computation.
86. It can reduce the error of the inertial navigation system when using Iterative Closest Contour Point(ICCP) algorithm for track matching on the gravity map, however it brings large computation costs.
87. The line source mode was also improved with increased computation speed and accuracy, thus realizing the use of PC for line source pollution diffusion modeling.
88. The design of the working mechanism of the scraper has experienced a far-flung process from "manual computation" to "electronic compution".
89. Natural Parameter Method is a kind of new method of wellbore trajectory computation succeeding Cylinder Helix Method(Radius of Curvature Method) and Minimum Curvature Method.
90. Press crop computation,[] formaldehyde kind before colophony glue and latex glue are resided 2.
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