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Compact in a sentence

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Sentence count:209+8Posted:2017-01-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: agreementalliancebargainbriefconciseconcordcontractdealpactshorttreatyunderstandingSimilar words: impactcompanycompareaccompanyencompasscompanioncomparisoncompatibleMeaning: ['kɒmpækt]  n. 1. a small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a woman's purse 2. a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action 3. a small and economical car. v. 1. have the property of being packable or of compacting easily 2. compress into a wad 3. make more compact by or as if by pressing 4. squeeze or press together. adj. 1. closely and firmly united or packed together 2. having component parts closely crowded together 3. heavy and compact in form or stature 4. briefly giving the gist of something. 
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121. Small vertical pianos, especially the compact but musically compromised spinet, now constitute a negligible portion of the piano business.
122. According to Newtonian mechanics the orbital decay for an isolated binary consisting of compact stars is expected to be immeasurably small.
123. The Partnership should therefore be encouraged and allowed to take responsibility for the Compact strategy. 5.
124. If there is no Compact established yet you might take the lead in local Compact development!
125. All personnel appointed to administer the Compact should be responsible to this committee.
126. The Compact itself may produce a newsletter which will be circulated to governors, teachers, parents and employers.
127. Is it compulsory for my child to be involved in Compact?
128. This propellant combination performs well and permits a fairly compact vehicle design.
129. Under a social compact which runs until the end of 1990, the investing organizations will pay lower income taxes.
130. The Careers Services will monitor the employers' job offers to ensure that they are suitable for the Compact. 5.
131. Compact is a separate initiative which has no direct relationship with any Examination Board.
132. How will Compact expenses such as Work Experience fares, and cover for teacher secondment to industry, be met?
133. What is needed is a transmitter sufficiently cheap, compact and low-powered to be installed in every home.
134. Finally, Compact validates achievement in school and encourages students to push themselves to realise their potential.
135. We've fitted a compact disc player and protected it with a new security system.
136. The first compact discs carried digitally encoded high fidelity music.
137. Our plot occupied a compact square nested in a palm of earth on the eastern side of the river.
138. The combination oven is available in all sizes from the compact to the larger industrial models.
139. It uses a Wavelet algorithm for video compression and provides compact disk quality audio and broadcast quality video.
140. Second[], Compact offers an incentive to improved performance within areas which schools are already tackling.
141. As the enemy approach still nearer, shells burst upon their compact masses.
142. However well you treat them, after two to three years these foliage begonias lose their compact appearance and look straggly.
143. Some predict that eventually everyone will carry all the sequences of his genes on a compact disk.
144. Every Partnership developing a Compact will design a management structure servicing its particular needs.
145. They will also provide mechanisms for supporting and counselling those students who are at risk of failing to reach Compact goals.
146. The fire in the compact range was burning slowly, and the room was warm and cosy.
147. In place of ordinary light bulbs, you could use compact fluorescent lamps.
148. Algarde's Power Centre is well-designed and compact - a good stocking filler.
149. Employers may be asked, for example, to contribute to a central fund to enable the Compact to develop necessary publicity materials.
150. They should also be jobs that young people might have experienced difficulty in gaining access to, without Compact.
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