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Cockpit in a sentence

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Sentence count:159+2Posted:2017-05-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: stockpilecockycockedcock uppeacockcockneycockroachcheckpointMeaning: n. 1. compartment where the pilot sits while flying the aircraft 2. an enclosure for cockfights 3. seat where the driver sits while driving a racing car. 
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61) Bernie has created a Lancaster cockpit section that occasionally travels to airshows.
62) The cockpit crew, including Joe who had never been in a gale before in his life, began to relax.
63) Aerospatiale makes the cockpit and performs final assembly at its Toulouse plant.
64) Our speed built up rapidly and the inside of my cockpit started to mist up.
65) Further studies of the cockpit voice recording also should help[], officials said.
66) In the extreme bow was an open cockpit containing a gunner's position and bomb aimer's station.
67) He shouted at the men in the cockpit to make fast the rope that led to his neck.
68) How easy it could be for him - to simply sit in the cockpit of his Foxbat and fly to freedom.
69) He unlatched his web again and swam about the cockpit, fielding flotsam.
70) He and his co-pilot settled down in the darkness for the long flight in the cramped cockpit.
71) They had taken a burst through the cockpit, and the debris from the shot had temporarily blinded Sherman.
72) Trent surfaced and yelled at the men in the cockpit to swim a lifejacket out to him.
73) In the cockpit ... flying ace Luke Jackson ... returning home from a treacherous journey to find lost treasure.
74) Wing tips on each aircraft were removed and deposited in the cockpit for passage through the narrow streets.
75) Climbing up into the cockpit, Tabitha threw the melon in the disposal and wiped her hands.
76) Authorities have said the plane was overloaded and that Reid was apparently at the cockpit controls.
77) On deck, commitment to cruising continues - a vast centre cockpit offers comfort[], security and generous stowage areas.
78) Alcock and Brown climbed into the cockpit, waved goodbye, to everyone and the Vimy set off.
79) The man claims he overheard cockpit conversation about mechanical problems, not paperwork.
80) Meanwhile, the pilots were spending long hours in the cockpit.
81) The lawyers also said they want to get a transcript of the cockpit voice recorder.
82) All night I anticipated the awful moment when the cabins and the cockpit basket would break adrift.
83) Indeed, the wheelhouse is looking more like the cockpit of a space shuttle every day.
84) As we sat in the cockpit, the captain hauled his radio over to a Jeep.
85) Instead of sitting down beside me as usual, he remained standing on the cockpit bench, gazing mournfully out to sea.
86) We climbed into the cockpit to face the morning sun.
87) I was pinned in the cockpit in freezing temperatures for three days, unable to move.
88) And then an impatient male voice had shouted from the cockpit above.
89) An ergonomically designed cockpit, with instrumentation and controls logically zoned, make for error-free readings of any situation.
90) The two cookers were to last for six months, performing reliably even when drenched by waves breaking into the cockpit.
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