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Closing in a sentence

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Sentence count:297+22Posted:2017-05-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: enclosingclosing entrieslosinglosing groundimposingopposingsupposingunimposingMeaning: [kləʊs]  n. 1. the act of closing something 2. the last section of a communication 3. approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap 4. termination of operations 5. a concluding action. adj. final or ending. 
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121) I agreed with most of what he said at the beginning of the speech but not with his closing remarks.
122) It was rough justice that they lost in the closing seconds of the game.
123) Although ending the race to drink up before closing time has not moderated drinking habits, neither have apocalyptic predictions come to pass.
124) This window keeps on closing - I'll have to prop it open with something.
125) We decided where to go for our holiday by closing our eyes and sticking a pin in the map.
126) It was 19-year-old David Hagan who stole the points and the glory with a brilliant goal in the closing minutes of the game.
127) There has been an atmosphere of gloom in the factory since it was announced that it would be closing.
128) As the door of the lift was closing, another man asked if we could squash up to let him in.
129) We fade in the closing music as the hero rides off into the sunset.
130) Closing the sale means that you ask the buyer to say yes or no.
130) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
131) Hardly a month goes by without another factory closing down.
132) The union accused the management of closing the door on further negotiation.
133) The shop is closing up. I must ask you to leave.
134) I think it's disgusting that they're closing the local hospital.
135) The electric bell began to buzz for closing time.
136) I enjoy closing a deal 5a.
137) Everyone was against closing the factory.
138) As closing time drew near, the children grew less.
139) Sir Humphrey's closing speech was masterful.
140) So will closing these hospitals improve acute care?
141) The closing paragraphs were very moving.
142) The closing date for submissions was 7 November 1988.
143) Women are closing the math gap.
144) Many studies have used daily closing prices.
145) The closing date for entries is March 31, 1992.
146) I stay for the closing ceremonies.
147) Coal mines are closing down all over the country.
148) The closing date for 1993 entries is 1 June.
149) Finnegan's Bar is closing up shop after 35 years.
150) Many small independent butchers are closing down.
More similar words: enclosingclosing entrieslosinglosing groundimposingopposingsupposingunimposingcloseclosetcloserclose inencloseclose offclosestclose tocloselyclose upenclosedclose-setencloserdiscloseclose downclosenessdiscloseda close callenclosureclose-knitbe close toexplosive
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