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Closing in a sentence

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Sentence count:297+22Posted:2017-05-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: enclosingclosing entrieslosinglosing groundimposingopposingsupposingunimposingMeaning: [kləʊs]  n. 1. the act of closing something 2. the last section of a communication 3. approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap 4. termination of operations 5. a concluding action. adj. final or ending. 
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151) Both prosecution and defence lawyers gave eloquent closing speeches.
152) The due date coincides with the closing ceremonies in Atlanta.
153) Moors are closing the gap steadily on the leading teams, and three points today could lift them three places into fifth.
154) After the defense finishes its closing argument, the prosecution will have the opportunity to reply.
155) After the closing of its distribution centers led to organizational disaster, the firm did its best to minimize these consequences.
156) The following day, the feast of the immaculate conception, there was a closing ceremony in St Peter's Square.
157) Mayock was closing in on third place as El Guerrouj won in 7min 37.74sec.
158) The rider from the Netherlands is still in the lead as the Tour de France enters its closing stage today.
159) Olajuwon had only one shot in the closing minutes and Barkley got the call on the final shot, which he missed.
160) I turned on the TV just in time to catch the closing minutes of the race.
160) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
161) Imprinting and cell differentiation both involve the closing down of genes but the mechanisms are evidently distinct.
162) And providing you are eligible and you reply by the closing date, your acceptance into the Personal Accident Plan is guaranteed.
163) The prosecution is expected to start its closing speech today.
164) People chattering, doors opening and closing, loud male greetings, the level of noise rising.
165) Barnes scored the winning goal in the closing seconds of the game.
166) The project aims to find out why specifically closing a topic produces these two options.
167) At one stage, he considered closing up shop for good.
168) Mr. Brooke I am most grateful to my right hon. Friend for his kind closing remarks.
169) Some convention delegates live near military bases that were closing or had closed.
170) Any campaign to attract students to history should emphasise how its study can open many doors while closing few.
171) I add to the atmosphere by coming back into the room, closing the door and leaning against it, staring.
172) She was passed in the closing stages of the race, having led throughout the 5,000-metre event.
173) That is the closing point; the biggest picture in the exhibition will be the finale.
174) I have suggested that many people believe that there is a valid way of life argument against closing any rural primary school.
175) That theory was demonstrated as the Lakers nearly pulled off the upset in the closing seconds.
176) In the closing years of his life he suffered serious illness.
177) Tavlin also speculated there may be cost savings from closing manufacturing plants.
178) Between 6,000 and 12,000 tons of ash were sent into the atmosphere, closing airports and causing respiratory disease.
179) Apple is also closing in on completing Rhapsody, aimed mostly at corporate users.
180) Vice President Al Gore is scheduled to lead the closing ceremonies on Aug. 4.
More similar words: enclosingclosing entrieslosinglosing groundimposingopposingsupposingunimposingcloseclosetcloserclose inencloseclose offclosestclose tocloselyclose upenclosedclose-setencloserdiscloseclose downclosenessdiscloseda close callenclosureclose-knitbe close toexplosive
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