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Churning in a sentence

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Sentence count:81+1Posted:2017-06-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: burningmourningturningreturningchurnchurn outturn inturn intoMeaning: [tʃɜːn]  adj. 1. moving with or producing or produced by vigorous agitation 2. (of a liquid) agitated vigorously; in a state of turbulence. 
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61. Of all the adult production companies still churning out sex videos in the San Fernando Valley, only one requires its performers to wear condoms in the sex scenes it shoots, Wicked Pictures.
62. She strode past all this, retching a little, feeling acid bile churning in a stomach sac made by now of what?
63. After evaluating these customer churning models, the best one was determined.
64. Dr. Covey compares being in the world today to being in permanent whitewater: "We live in a constant, churning, changing environment.
65. Aided by China's weak protection of intellectual property and an abundant supply of low-cost semiconductors, hundreds of factories sprouted over the last decade, churning out knockoff handsets.
66. In a normal eye, stem cells in the limbus are like factories, churning out new cells to replace dead corneal cells.
67. Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them.
68. Moreover, it can coordinate this activity with the DB2 for z/OS continuous block streaming support to ensure data is continually transferred with minimal churning around the telecommunication line.
69. And across the way, a new auto company could be busy churning out hybrid cars.
70. Both manufactural technology of urum of yaks were compared by means of winnow milk and churning[], and the part of nutrition components in urum were analyzed.
71. With fascination and wonder and hot, churning emotion, they stared at the road.
72. At higher gas velocities the rising bubbles cause the observed churning, mixing, and flow of solids.
73. But my stomach was churning because of the film in which I had just seen her.She plays Margaret Thatcher in the biopic The Iron Lady.
74. I don't enjoy having a churning stomach but if you are going to win tournaments, you must go through it.
75. "When China is going through an educational renaissance, when India is churning out science graduates, any complacency now would be fatal for our prosperity," he said at the Free School Norwich.
76. As talent competitions became more staid, producers turned their attention to dating shows, churning out programmes that encouraged bitchiness.
76. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
77. Ever since, South Korea's hyperactive blogosphere has been churning out conspiracy theories by the dozen.
78. Programmers have been churning out code now for over 50 years.
79. One investor is dubious not only about the U.S. dollar but all currencies in general because central banks are churning out massive amounts of new cash to fight the downturn.
80. It was a long bad night, a sterile churning of regrets and afterthoughts.
81. When the churning debris reached a relatively straight - wall segment of the channel, the churning entirely disappeared.
More similar words: burningmourningturningreturningchurnchurn outturn inturn intosaturninemorningwarningearninglearningearningsyearningmorningspatterningconcerningdiscerningmorning coatgood morningrote learningearly warninggoverning bodylearning abilityyesterday morningmorning-after pillchurlchurchbrochure
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