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Chlorine in a sentence

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Sentence count:284+6Posted:2017-04-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chloroplastchlorophyllimploringtailoringexploringimploringlyfloridfloristMeaning: ['klɔːriːn]  n. a common nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; best known as a heavy yellow irritating toxic gas; used to purify water and as a bleaching agent and disinfectant; occurs naturally only as a salt (as in sea water). 
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211. Most commercial water is packaged in PET bottles (polyethylene terephthalate ) which are inexpensive to recycle and do not release chlorine if burned.
212. The stability of effective chlorine of sodium hypochlorite was improved with stabilizer.
213. It is suitable for home a nd office. Hydrochloric acid and chlorous natrium are used as primary reactant to give out the gas of chlorine dioxide.
214. The iodometric method and visual colorimetric analysis method are suggested to employed together to detect the residual chlorine, chlorine dioxide and chlorite in the water.
215. Methods to recover and use chlorine water in chlor-alkali production are evaluated. Some advanced closed-circuit processes adopted in industrial production are suggested.
216. Mononitrotoluene wastewater is difficult to be treated. The experiment indicates the result of using compound chlorine dioxide generator to this wastewater treatment is satisfactory.
217. The content of nitrogen and chlorine in fertilizer is usually measured, but routine analysis method needs weighing twice, consuming long time and strict condition.
218. To remove main disturbing ion, chlorine ion in the COD potassium dichromate reflux method, silver sulfate replaces mercury sulfate as a screening agent.
219. A large amount of hydrogen chloride in chlorination process was produced with the development and application of chlorine products in chlorination industry.
220. Chlorine, the product of photocatalytic oxidation of TCE film , could initiate the chain reaction of TCE.
221. The creating course of chlorine water and the vacuum dechlorination process was briefly introduced.
222. New analyses of chlorine in those rocks, published Aug. 5 in Science, indicate that the moon contains just one–ten-thousandth to one–hundred-thousandth the water that the Earth's interior does.Sentencedict
223. Dichloride: a chemical compound containing two chlorine atoms bound to another element or radical.
224. The saturated chlorine water was not sent to dechlorination treatment but(directly) applied to the synthesis of dichloropropanol in the epichlorohydrin facility. The aim of saving(energy, )decrea...
225. The quality of the slow-release of chlorine dioxide prepared with sodium carboxymethyl Cellulose and carbopol 940 as the main mixed-matrix consistent with the 2005 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
226. And that is an Erlenmeyer flask that has been filled with chlorine and sodium has been added to it.
227. Dibromochloromethane and bromodichloromethane are pollutants formed when water in waterworks is sterilized with liquid chlorine.
228. Under negative pressure, the Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide is absorbed through the fun - air in absorber ( tower ) .
229. Alkanes can be chlorinated or brominated by treatment with chlorine or bromine in the presence of visible or uv light .
230. A single chlorine atom can tear apart thousands of ozone molecules.
231. Cooking - salt consists of atoms of sodium and chlorine.
232. The chlorine log was originally sensitive to shales but a shale-compensated chlorinity log is now available.
233. In order to make indicator card for measuring available chlorine, reaction colour of potassium iodide and available chlorine was used, and iodometry and the indicator card were compared.
234. He saw that if you take the atomic mass of chlorine, 2 add it to the atomic mass of iodine, divide by two, you get something that is really close to the atomic mass of bromine.
235. The improved design is proposed for the modulatory ratio system of propylene and chlorine and the heat control system of saponification reaction.
236. The influences of dosing medicaments, such as brine, ammonia water, chlorine and chloramines, on microorganisms of activated carbon were investigated by means of biomass and OUR.
237. The soda, which it was easy to change into carbonate of soda, and the chlorine, of which he made chloride of lime, were employed for various domestic purposes, and especially in bleaching linen.
238. Analysis is made of the determination of chlorine in tantalum niobium composite.
239. DCA, or dichloroacetic acid, is an analogue of acetic acid in which chlorine atoms replace two of the three hydrogen atoms on the methyl group.
240. The production principle of chlorothalonil, cof waste gas and treatment situation were analyzed. Comprehensive treatment of was te gases containing cyanogen and chlorine were put forward.
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