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Chlorine in a sentence

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Sentence count:284+6Posted:2017-04-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: chloroplastchlorophyllimploringtailoringexploringimploringlyfloridfloristMeaning: ['klɔːriːn]  n. a common nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; best known as a heavy yellow irritating toxic gas; used to purify water and as a bleaching agent and disinfectant; occurs naturally only as a salt (as in sea water). 
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181. The concentration of chlorine dioxide was determined by spectrophotometry according to the characteristic of decoloration of chlorophenol red with chlorine dioxide.
182. The fine properties, production techniques and various uses of the stabilized chlorine dioxide are summarized.
183. Chlorinated polypropylene(containing about 30% chlorine by weight) used in this paper is product from Guangzhou Jinzhujiang, it is yellowish and translucence.
184. The test items included organic phosphorus, organic chlorine, pyrethroids , dicofol, nitrate and heavy metal plumbum.
185. The properties and applications of chlorine dioxide have been introduced in this paper.
186. Chlorine from chlorofluorocarbons, or CFC's, is responsible for destroying part of the ozone layer over Antarctica.
187. Comprehensive harness status on chlorine water of caustic soda workshop was introduced.
188. Using benzyl chloride and chlorine as starting materials, benzal chloride is prepared through photo-chlorination in loop reactor.
189. Observational evidence of rapid chlorine activation by mountain waves above northern Scandinavia.
190. The caparison of disinfectant with aseptic chlorine dioxide is made, and some advice about the supervision is put forward in this article.
191. The residual chlorine variation in cooling water discharged from the Shidongkou Thermal Power Plant was measured by means of o-tolidine colorimetry.
192. Hydrochloric acid and chlorous natrium are used as primary reactant to give out the gas of chlorine dioxide.
193. ADC vesicant is a very good product being made of chlorine. Even though the economic benefit of it is evidence, but the environmental influence can't be ignored.
194. Causes for the corrosion leakage of interstage coolers of a chlorine gas compressor were analyzed. The ultrasonic antiscaling principle was introduced as well as its practical application effects.
195. Applicable Cleaning Aids: Cleaning aids that can be used simultaneously include: Powder detergent, oxygen bleaching powder, special soap powder and chlorine bleaching powder.
196. Low viscosity, make easy de - greasing after tapping . Chlorine - free.
197. Strong Chlorine and Bromine Chlorine Hydantoin were used as acute toxicity for fries of Ctenopharyngodon idellus.
198. The effects of the unbleached pulp washing cleanliness on the consumption of chlorine are studied.
199. The effects of mesh number of standard sieve on effective chlorine content of calcium hypochlorite were tested.
200. Elemental chlorine-free bleaching of Eucalyptus prehydrolysis kraft pulp was studied and results were compared with minimum chlorine bleaching.
201. By selecting sodium sulfite as dechlorinating agent, photobacteria method was used to investigate the effect of dechlorination on reduction of biotoxication incurred by residual chlorine.
202. The kovar scrap is first dissolved with hydrochloric acid and chlorine.
203. Chlorine dioxide can be generated either subsequent to the generation of chlorous acid or simultaneously with the generation of chlorous acid.
204. Chlorine dioxide microcapsules were prepared with ? ? - CD and chlorine dioxide.
205. View on the Corrostion and perforation of Liquefier, analyse the reason , consider that the water contain in chlorine has overproofed , the raise the preventive measure.
206. Chlorine and chloride have serious causticity to the equipments in the chlor-alkali industry.
207. To effectively enhance the contraposition selectivity of chlorinating reaction the p-chlorotoluene was prepared by direct chlorination of toluene and chlorine gas in the presence of zeolite catalyst.
208. Once chlorine gas is leaked. can be treated with water and sufficient slaked lime.
209. Derivatives of bromine are much more active than the corresponding one of chlorine.
210. Moreover, the reaction between chlorine and algal cells in eutrophic raw water during prechlorination may also increase the DBPs precursors in treated water because of the destruction of algal cells.
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