Similar words: sweating, creating, repeating, cheat, specific heat, ingratiating, sheathing, rating. Meaning: [tʃiːt] n. a deception for profit to yourself. adj. 1. not faithful to a spouse or lover 2. violating accepted standards or rules.
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61, By cheating they have sullied the good name of their country.
62, We knew he'd been cheating, but we'd never caught him at it before.
63, Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.
64, If I catch you cheating, you'll be for the high jump.
65, The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.
66, He was the last to know that she had been cheating on him.
67, You've been caught cheating now you must face the music.
68, Let me lay it on the line I think you're cheating.
69, I detected her cheating.
70, If I cop you cheating again you'll be in trouble.
71, He couldn't have passed the exam without resort to cheating.
72, The very idea of cheating people again is distasteful to him.
73, Several students were caught cheating on the test.
74, You can't look at the cards(, that's cheating.
75, Some of them are cheating death.
76, This disgraceful court judgment rewards Butch Reynolds for cheating.
77, But lying and cheating to stay here does.
78, An appallingly self-satisfied financial adviser-think Malvolio in a stretch limo-finds that his wife is cheating on him.
79, The militants enforced the ban on cheating in school exams, and even that old tradition disappeared.
80, When his mother caught him cheating she really made him suffer.
81, Hundreds of riot police on Nov. 2 clashed with students in Dhaka protesting against recent legislation to curb cheating in final exams.
82, And, unless you were cheating about this business of no advance practice, you did quite well with the Boccherini.
83, The airline's been accused of cheating its customers out of free bonus flights.
84, Traditionally, collaboration in the classroom, for instance, has been taboo, condemned as a form of cheating.
85, Their teacher suspected them of cheating when they both missed the same question on the test.
86, Those who advocate total manipulation urge that a trustworthy mode of communication is always open to cheating.
87, According to the children, telling tales on each other was as bad as cheating.
88, I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me. Woody Allen
89, You're effectively cheating your body by reducing your calorie intake and your body sends out different responses because it's confused.
90, The Head of Department in consultation with the Dean is responsible for recommending appropriate action in cases of suspected cheating or plagiarism by students.
More similar words: sweating, creating, repeating, cheat, specific heat, ingratiating, sheathing, rating, skating, rotating, bloating, operating, floating, obviating, radiating, placating, motivating, relating to, irritating, enervating, negotiating, resonating, indicating, dominating, oscillating, suffocating, palpitating, frustrating, originating, captivating.