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Casualty in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+5Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accidentflukeinjurymisfortunemishapSimilar words: casualas usualpenaltyspecialtyvisualunusualthe death penaltyfacultyMeaning: ['kæʒjʊəltɪ]  n. 1. someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement 2. someone injured or killed in an accident 3. an accident that causes someone to die 4. a decrease of military personnel or equipment. 
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121. Because of this the government sees this work as providing the largest single contribution to its casualty reduction target for the year 2000.
122. Brunel University claim their dressing room looked like a casualty unit after the clash with Hayes.
123. Casualty figures are low, indicating that neither side is prepared to engage in heavy fighting.
124. The casualty insurance is $ 300 a year.
125. The new school was never finished, it was a casualty of the recent spending cut.
126. Without his heroic efforts, his wounded commander would not have been moved safely out of the kill zone to the casualty collection point.
127. The indexes consist of personal casualty loss, economic property loss and disaster relief loss.
128. The apposition of property loss and casualty often appeared in the criminal law of China as a situation of the objects to which certain statutory punishment applied.
129. Indeed, from this moment on, any maritime casualty without an established cause was charged to the monster's account.
130. How we reply the great earthquake?Gusty disaster work a great deal personnel casualty and belongings losing in the turn of a hand, and produce big infection for people psychology.
131. The only casualty of the lightning strike was Frick's pants.
132. Two years ago, Citigroup demerged its Travelers property and casualty business.
133. The indicator system for assessing military district general hospital clinicians combat casualty care is mainly studied.
134. The casualty of the traffic accident was a doleful record.
135. In all cases,( do not attempt to remove the casualty without the assistance of a qualified first aider unless an imminent threat to life exists.
136. Speaking of casualty insurance, chain-ladder is one of the most important and popular methods to estimate reserves.
137. Sure enough, he found her there, looking at the posted casualty reports along with many others, searching the alphabetized lists of KIAs and WIAs.
138. If no direct pressure can be applied because of for example severe lacerations, lay the casualty down in a suitable and comfortable position and await arriving qualified first aider.
139. Place a triangular bandage on the casualty – long side across the shoulders.
140. In the course of translation the casualty is always the typical idiom of the source language.
141. I want to talk about certain kinds of monoline insurance companies that-- the biggest--one category is property and casualty.
142. During used, if it can not work, serious economic loss, personnel casualty and military disadvantages will be caused.
143. Property and casualty insurance industry is a risk management one, whose key competitive factor is the(ability) of risk management.
144. VI Design and Usage of PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd.
145. The rehearing of procedure of second instance in our code of criminal procedure is too brief in principle, which leads to the casualty of several aspects of the judicial justice.
146. The subject is the Aetna Life and Casualty Company in Hartford,[] Connecticut.
147. The director requests the first-aid personnels to carry on hematischesis processing immediately to the casualty, simultaneously sets up the warning line, prevents to have two accidents.
148. Lay the casualty down as soon as possible to prevent the flames sweeping upwards. Quickly put out the flames by dousing the casualty with water.
149. This provision is applicable notwithstanding the fact that the vessels, or any one of them, may be at anchor (or otherwise made fast) at the time of the casualty.
150. A manufacturing firm has many opportunities or options to eliminate interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, liquidity risk, and the risks associated with property and casualty perils.
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