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Casualty in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+5Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accidentflukeinjurymisfortunemishapSimilar words: casualas usualpenaltyspecialtyvisualunusualthe death penaltyfacultyMeaning: ['kæʒjʊəltɪ]  n. 1. someone injured or killed or captured or missing in a military engagement 2. someone injured or killed in an accident 3. an accident that causes someone to die 4. a decrease of military personnel or equipment. 
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31. Ted wasn't the only casualty at Pipeline.
32. The casualty rate of entrepreneurs is very high.
33. The immediate casualty would be Mr Gorbachev's reform programme.
34. Unofficial statistics put the casualty rates much higher.
35. There was one more serious casualty.
36. But moderation was an early casualty in nominating conventions.
37. An early casualty was the tricycle idea.
38. The casualty list was 307, and the devastation immense.
39. A six-mile exclusion zone was ordered around the ship while a tug towed the casualty further offshore.
40. It began to prey on my mind so much that I went to the casualty department of Charing Cross Hospital.
41. Another casualty was Gordon Ashworth, a senior aide to Peterson, who resigned over money paid to redecorate his house.
42. Bearing in mind the recent huge casualty statistics, their sausages probably contained minced human flesh.
43. The corruption scandal has claimed yet another casualty: the Finance Minister,( who was forced to resign last night.
44. Alphameric was the day's major casualty with its shares plunging 32 percent to 23p as hopes for its profit recovery faded.
45. Much was seized for food by a starving population, and much became the casualty of unexploded mines and bombs.
46. Apart from the risks to car drivers, passengers, and cyclists themselves however, pedestrian casualty figures are also alarming.
47. I particularly wish to thank the Casualty department and Ward 9 from where I was released.
48. Sister Casualty off duty invariably wore a trouser suit, white shirt, and silk cravat in assorted colours.
49. Hrudey was a casualty of a team in dire financial trouble that wanted to lop off its higher-priced and older players.
50. Furthermore, it is clear from the accident records that the casualty rate is higher in each age group.
51. A nine hour wait.Anger over long delays in casualty unit.
52. The Maritime school can counter-claim that casualty lists were far shorter in these two wars.
53. If that decision has now put him in the casualty ward[], it has equally kept him from the sanatorium.
54. The casualty could be seen aground on the Mid Haisbro Sand, lifting slightly in the moderate swell.
55. Accident and school roll data have been analysed to identify those schools which have high casualty rates per head of school roll.
56. Discussion Patients admitted to casualty departments with acutely disturbed behaviour present a major diagnostic challenge.
57. Left wing Eric Lacroix became the latest injury casualty for the Kings.
58. Without their present powers even more of us would drive without due care and attention and the road casualty figures would soar.
59. I think Casualty was very much engaged with what it was like to live under Thatcherism.
60. A 75-year-old stroke patient died there last December when he fell from a trolley outside the casualty unit.
More similar words: casualas usualpenaltyspecialtyvisualunusualthe death penaltyfacultypersuademeasure upalterwealthhealthmeasurementmeasure up toall of a suddenwealthyaltogethercaseappeal toalthoughin casecash incasinoin case ofcash in onalternativeannualsexualritual
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