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Bowl-shaped in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2024-08-31Updated:2024-08-31
Similar words: l-shapedball-shapedbell-shapedoval-shapedbarrel-shapedfunnel-shapedbell-shaped curvebell shapeMeaning: adj. having a concave shape with an open top like a bowl. 
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1. The Earth is bowl-shaped and elliptical, with a length one and a half times its breadth.
2. From a bowl-shaped cirque, the glacier flows downhill.
3. A bowl-shaped stadium or outdoor theater.
4. On the capitals of both pillars, above the bowl-shaped part next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates in rows all around.
5. Small natural lakes are often bowl-shaped and the focus of life tends to be around the weedy shorelines.
6. Tuo tea (bowl-shaped compressed mass of tea leaves), produced in Yunnan and Sichuan, is compressed like a round steamed bun.
6. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
7. A bowl-shaped topographic depression.
8. The bowl-shaped lens pedestal and lens array are used in the uniform top-emitting secondary optical lens to make different high power LEDs to concentrate the energy on emitting light on the top.
9. A stadium in Algeria is comprised of bowl-shaped concrete stand and steel roof structure.
10. The fungi are bowl-shaped, dark on the outside, reddish yellow on the inside, and a few centimeters across.
11. The earliest theatres were outdoors, constructed in a bowl-shaped depression to allow all in the audience to see the stage.
12. Neither bowl-shaped nor uplifted, the surface of Goat Paddock Crater is flat.
13. He leads the way out to a terrace with a view of the deep, bowl-shaped valley carpeted with thick pine forests.
14. The utility model relates to an automation device of producing bowl-shaped instant noodles.
15. One virtuoso performance is from Ku'ermanjiang Zhikeriya, a Kazakh from Xinjiang who plays the dongbula, a two-stringed guitar with a bowl-shaped body.
16. Turning away from the use of lenses, Newton devised the reflecting telescope, which makes use of a bowl-shaped metal mirror to focus the light from the stars.
17. After school, Hassan and I met up, grabbed a book, and trotted up a bowl-shaped hill just north of my father's property in Wazir Akbar Khan.
18. A new type of load diagram for pavement design, namely "the bowl-shaped distribution load", is proposed in this paper.
More similar words: l-shapedball-shapedbell-shapedoval-shapedbarrel-shapedfunnel-shapedbell-shaped curvebell shapebowlsfunnel shapeshapedcrystal shapeh-shapedy-shapedt-shapedv-shapedw-shapedu-shapeds-shapedunshapedegg-shapedrod-shapedcone-shapedcup-shapedbox-shapedfan-shapeddisc-shapedhorn-shapedtree-shapedbean-shaped
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