Synonym: colored, coloured, one-sided, slanted. Similar words: unbiased, bias, pleased, based on, released, increased, displeased, IAS. Meaning: [baɪəst] adj. favoring one person or side over another.
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121. It does not need to establish an accurate model for the problem to be solved, but biased former knowledge to analyze, ratiocinate and calculate, and to form the last results.
122. The media are ( NOT is ) often accused of being biased.
123. Furthermore, maternal biased chromosome conversion was revealed by GISH in both triploid and diploid hybrids, as early as at trophore-larvae stage.
124. Reports of respectable drops in bear metabolic rates during hibernation cheer Eric Hellgren of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, who admits to "a biased viewpoint as a bear biologist."
125. Drain electrode being biased to ground, unselected units on same byte word line are forbidden.
126. This causes stagnation by making the search procedure as biased search procedure.
127. From the perspective of syntax, the differences between biased error words and objective words, when collocating with verbs and nouns, whether acting as predicate and object or not, are found.
128. The algorithm combines active learning, biased classification and incremental learning to model the small sample biased learning problem in relevance feedback process.
129. Interim analysis must be aforethought and consideration should be given to avoid its possible biased impact on the running trial.
130. Someone subsequently diagnosed with a brain tumour might easily be biased, consciously or unconsciously, to exaggerate the former and misstate the latter.
131. Perhaps it's genetically predisposed or a result of gender - biased education.
132. The shape of grinding wheel truing was also influenced by the biased error of grinding wheel truer.
133. The investigation shows that when the biased input is vanishing, the relaxation rate has different dependence in monostable and multistable cases.
134. Certainly, or the esteem blue army somewhat is obviously biased by competition total repudiation Mancheng.
135. It may be true, but as long as the forces of discrimination and biased perceptions affect people so pervasively(, we'll never know.
136. Is it possible for an estimator to be biased in finite sample but consistent sample?
137. Technically speaking, you can have a a class AB single-ended amplifier, which was biased away from the linear portion of the curves, but that amplifier would (hopefully!
138. At last, the author use the corpus and questionnaire survey to discovers the Vietnamese students' biased error give her advice for the department of teaching Chinese as a second language.
139. The modulational instability of one-dimensional broad optical beams in biased two-photon centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals under steady-state conditions has been investigated.
140. He said it was unhelpful for doctors to be biased against obese patients.
141. The signal path of the VMA is changed through the position of the switch and the tube as well as the capsule, get biased in a different way.
142. Biased estimate methods are basic methods of modern regression analysis.
143. The synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattices is analyzed in this paper, and the biased anti-phase synchronization in coupled map lattices is obtained for the first time.
144. The result obtained by smoothing contours is inevitably biased by the interpreter.
144. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
145. The definition designing procedure of torsion rigidity and the shock absorber damping based on the settled biased frequency and relative damping ratio is presented.
146. Instead of using the homomorphic filter which is used to get rid of multiple noise and is a biased estimator, this algorithm translates speckle into locally stationary additive white noise.
147. Defensive medicine biased configuration, callback to guard against short - term market.
148. Returns the covariance of two series evaluated over a set ( biased ).
149. However, since most mainstream psychologists are still biased against qualitative research, especially the phenomenological variety, you may need to justify your qualitative method.
150. Anecdotal instances are open to the criticism of biased selection.
More similar words: unbiased, bias, pleased, based on, released, increased, displeased, IAS, fiasco, phobia, diaspora, namibian, verbiage, amphibian, proverbial, xenophobia, enthusiasm, arabian sea, acrophobia, enthusiast, agoraphobia, hydrophobia, enthusiastic, elephantiasis, paterfamilias, ecclesiastical, trichomoniasis, claustrophobia, enthusiastically, used.