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Atheist in a sentence

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Sentence count:50+1Posted:2016-12-26Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: theistSimilar words: heistpolytheisticpolytheismdeisttheirheightleisureheinousMeaning: ['eɪθɪɪst]  n. someone who denies the existence of god. adj. related to or characterized by or given to atheism. 
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31. I have lately vented and publicly asserted divers wicked, blasphemous, and Atheistical positions professing that I gloried to be an Hobbist and an Atheist.
32. But he would not have liked the grown-up woman I've become: a feminist, an atheist, a poet, of all things. I suspect we would not be on speaking terms had he lived.
33. Juad Ibne Dirham, a leader of atheist sect had kept some mud and water in a glass bottle.
34. There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
35. Progress should believe in God. Good cannot have an impious servitor. He who is an atheist is but a bad leader for the human race.
36. The power of love is invincible . Angel forced an Asian atheist into a Western church.
37. In the past, most were attached to Buddhist temples, or run by former nuns or monks, makingeating in them a quasi-religious experience that did not always appeal inlargely atheist China.
38. Good cannot have an impious servitor. He who is an atheist is but a bad leader for the human race.
39. Gordimer is an atheist[], although once wrote of considering herself to have a "religious temperament".
40. A churchman who never reads The Freethinker very soon has no more real religion than the atheist who never reads The Church Times.
41. Because of his materialist philosophy and his opposition to the established church, Hobbes was often labeled an atheist, though he never professed to be one.
42. It is a conversation between an ancient and a modern person, a monk and a contemporary artist, a believer and an atheist, an anonym and a signer.
43. I came out of the atheist closet on January 1, 2009 when I told my wife I was leaving the Mormon church and that I was an atheist.
44. However, in his own era, Descartes was accused of harboring secret deist or atheist beliefs.
45. Freud's family background was Jewish, though his father was a freethinker and Freud himself an avowed atheist.
46. I was an atheist and evolutionist most of my life.
47. Roman Catholic 70.8% (including Uniate 2%), Lutheran 1%, Muslim 1%, atheist 4.3%[], other 22.9%.
48. Vasari claimed with horror that he was, if not an atheist, then an agnostic.
49. By the age of seventeen I was a full - fledged atheist.
50. His friends thought he had become an atheist and piously circulated gossip adducing unmentionable motives for his unbelief. His moral character was maligned.
More similar words: heistpolytheisticpolytheismdeisttheirheightleisureheinousleisurelyrathermathfathergatherpathleatherdeathbathsat handfeatherweatheror ratherbreathathletebathosapathyat homeat heartathleticempathyanathema
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