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Admired in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+18Posted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: admireadmirationadmitadminadmit tomireadmittedadmissionMeaning: [əd'maɪə]  adj. regarded with admiration. 
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151 He admired the columned buildings, august even in the rain.
152 He admired the place so much, he wanted it to be admired by some one else.
153 He liked Renwick personally, admired him professionally, but there were limits to what could be done.
154 Their athletic form and delicate features, reminiscent of classical heroes, were much admired.
155 She had been impressed by his knowledge and his observation and she loved and admired him a little more.
156 I also admired and learned from the careful thought that this organization had put into their program.
157 Garway's learning and his frugality were widely admired(, and he seems to have demanded of the government the same standards.
158 I always admired him for his tenacity of purpose and dedication - and envied his super brain-power.
159 This tactic of reference combines an admired or revered position with an effective individual to increase a less powerful person's clout.
160 Oliver was very surprised to see all this, and greatly admired them for controlling their sadness so well.
161 Thomas already was widely admired for his combination of power and pitch selection.
162 I admired the way perfume comes in so many shapes.
163 Morrow's new production of 'The Nutcracker' has been greatly admired.
164 My sister has made for herself a decent life, and in that there is much to be admired.
165 The sculptures are admired for their round shapes and fluid lines.
166 This is what she will be remembered and always admired for.
167 We very much admired their energy and power of survival.
168 On the contrary, everything I read seemed to point to his having been universally loved and admired by his men.
169 After the final touches, Endill and Mould stood back and admired their work.
170 The sergeant admired the man's chiselled chin and ebony black hair glistening with gel.
171 They ordered gins, and sat on a wooden bench before a wooden table, while Karen admired the place.
172 Many people who are admired for their career success and professional expertise feel a failure.
173 He admired the quality of foreign workmanship and noted all new techniques.
174 The inauguration of the new astronomer royal presaged a drastic reversal of fortune for John Harrison, whom Halley had always admired.
175 I especially admired the way he challenged, and overcame, convention.
176 In a few moments, he shut the beam off, and admired his handiwork.
177 Rather than being denigrated and despised, he was admired for his courage, his steadfastness, his devotion to family.
178 And Ed Prince is the chief executive officer of his own prosperous and admired corporation.
179 He was much admired for managing to employ more labour for less cash than anyone else since the Pharaohs built the pyramids.
180 He was widely admired by fellow pilots and show-business colleagues, as well as the general public.
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