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Addressing in a sentence

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Sentence count:245+2Posted:2017-06-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dressingaddressdressing-downdressing gowndressing downheaddressaddressedreaddress
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121. It is possible to expand the capacity of microcomputer in excess of the addressing space through page addressing.
122. These differences include name resolution, type-ahead addressing, and name validation.
123. Instead of addressing sectors by cylinder , head, sector address they use LBA ( Logical Block Addressing ) mode.
124. In open addressing, when a data item can't be placed at the index calculated by the hash function[], another location in the array is sought.
125. In addition, relatively unknown but highly knowledgeable PM/PMP types who also have considerable Agile knowledge are contributing to the conversation, in some cases addressing Ron Jeffries directly.
126. Nader, who will turn 74 this week, announced his longshot presidential bid on NBC's "Meet the Press" saying that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans were addressing problems facing Americans.
127. By specifying an interface for accessing the buckets of the container the standard pretty much requires that the hash table uses chained addressing.
128. Shelley begins his poem by addressing the'Wild West Wind '.
129. Beyond filling in the gaps in our knowledge of binaural fusion, we hope to begin addressing other problems.
130. The new addressing scheme, defined in RFC2373 (see Resources), provides a colon-separated format, where 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 is the loopback address equivalent to
131. Addressing corruption and ensuring delivery will be key to its legitimacy.
132. He had always felt the absolute impossibility of addressing that enigmatical man, who was, in his eyes, both equivocal and imposing.
133. VSAM arranges records by an index key, relative record number, or relative byte addressing.
134. Under Secretary of State Josette Shiner said that enforcement of IPR is the key to addressing counterfeiting and piracy issues effectively.
135. Through someone pointing out, only then I realized there's an addressing mistake.
136. For business to say that this is government's job, and that they will cooperate with regulations but otherwise be passive in addressing this threat, is an abrogation of that responsibility.
137. However, there is a dearth of research in marketing literature addressing multimarket competition.
138. The base 256MB of main memory can be expanded to 16GB for faster performance and exploitation of 64-bit addressing capability required by large database applications.
139. Based on the existing GSM-R functional addressing, the call barring technologies in the functional addressing are studied in details, including access matrix and call barring based on locations.
140. BRAD WHITE: "This marks one of the biggest changes in the Internet's domain name system, the addressing system of the Internet, that has ever occurred.
141. The addressing mode has its own set of implications as discussed here.
142. The present invention reduces the number of scanned lines to shorten the addressing time, and increase the holding time, so as to raise image brightness of color plasma display screen.
143. The Notes client and the Domino Web Access client differ in their support of type-ahead addressing, name resolution, and name validation.
144. Flat Panel Monitor is any type of display that is comprised of two sheets of glass in close proximity to one another, where addressing is by rows and columns.
145. Addressing food and supplement requirements, and chelation, made them tolerable but still there.
146. "You will never get any help out of me again, " he said, expletives removed, addressing football writers who had flown to Denmark with his team for tonight's Champions League game against Aalborg.
147. PRM supports life-sustaining and capacity-building assistance programs addressing needs related to food, health, shelter, water and sanitation, education and empowerment.
148. While I am concentrating on effectiveness, Air Combat Command has people here addressing suitability.
149. From I Peter 2:18, Peter begins addressing specific groups within each ecclesia.
150. Addressing hardware redundancy: Hardware redundancy includes items such as redundant routers, servers, disks, and power supplies.
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