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Acquisition in a sentence

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Sentence count:207+5Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accomplishmentacquirementattainmentlearningskillSimilar words: inquisitivepositiontransitionoppositioncompositionacquiescencesituationeditionMeaning: [‚ækwɪ'zɪʃn]  n. 1. the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something 2. something acquired 3. the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge 4. an ability that has been acquired by training. 
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61) The period of language acquisition may therefore be much longer than Chomsky originally thought.
62) Chomsky holds that the acquisition of language is internal to the human mind / brain.
63) The message about acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases is a simple one.
64) Their acquisition takes time, problems arise, children become puzzled, and they have to consider possibilities and alternatives.
65) Historical literacy today encompasses a wide range of skills as well as the acquisition of and understanding of knowledge.
66) There is a small literature on new dialect acquisition; it must be said that not a great deal is known about it.
67) Banks play a central role as consultants, advisers and agents in acquisition situations.
68) Other monitoring devices may also be connected and data acquisition is fully automated.
69) A study was undertaken in co-operation with oil companies to propose optimum data acquisition techniques and formation evaluation procedures.
70) For investors, the Ketchum acquisition is a positive sign that Omnicom intends to stick to its strategy of growth through acquisitions.
71) The acquisition of these products can be accomplished with existing resources at the Science Museum.
72) Guyon will also become responsible for land acquisition in the Bay Area.
73) It is not dependent on the operating system, the faster the CPU, the faster the data acquisition.
74) The chronic shortage of currency for the acquisition of contemporary foreign publications has been cited as justification.
75) A strategic alliance may take the form of an outright acquisition, minority stake, joint venture or brand franchise.
76) Fourth quarter results do not include any impact from the proposed acquisition.
77) The Act also settled a doubt concerning the legality of compulsory land acquisition for the purpose of disposal to a private developer.
78) The proper handling of these expectations will have a major impact on the overall success of the company following the acquisition.
79) Debt funding worth £690m for this original acquisition was securitised through a bond issue by Nomura shortly after privatisation.
80) First Bank System has offered to exchange 2. 6 of its shares for each First Interstate share in the proposed acquisition.
81) We recommended funding for the full amount of their request for acquisition, which was $ 212, 500.
82) Wessex Hygiene, the new acquisition is now part of the Bristol Hygiene branch.
83) This process often involved the compulsory acquisition of firms and hence their potential closure.
84) In 1978 the group diversified into catering and beverages through the acquisition of J. Lyons.
85) So, the argument runs, Hanson is under pressure to make a big acquisition, soon.
86) The acquisition of the clubs only served to inflame the disagreements between Branson and Nik Powell.
87) Under its proposed acquisition offer[], Mattel would have bought Hasbro for $ 54. 28 a share.
88) The issues are revenue grant aid and the acquisition of new office accommodation.
89) They will possess the same cognitive structures and whatever maturational schedules thereof that underlie hearing children's language acquisition.
90) The acquisition by schools would seem sensible as this forms a useful and accurate guide to vessel and organ location.
More similar words: inquisitivepositiontransitionoppositioncompositionacquiescencesituationeditionadditioncoalitionconditionmunitionstraditionin additiondefinitionexhibitionconditionsexpeditionadditionalrecognitiontraditionalpractitionertraditionallyin addition tovisitoras it issensitivesensitivityenvisiondecision
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