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Mrs in a sentence

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Sentence count:257+50Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: MrMsor soarmartaseragasMeaning: [ˈmɪsɪz]  n. a form of address for a married woman mrs.. n. a form of address for a married woman. 
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91. Mrs Carson gave Ruth a questioning look.
92. She does Mrs. Thatcher rather well.
93. Mrs Superefficient has already taken care of it.
94. Mrs. Jones is a confessed alcoholic.
95. Mrs Biddell pursed her lips and shook her head.
96. "He and Mrs Stein have a plan," she explained.
97. Mrs. Blount warned me not to interfere.
98. Mrs Parsons wasn't at church this Sunday.
99. The committee directed its enquiries to Mrs Taylor.
100. Mrs Jones is a self - confessed alcoholic.
101. There's a Mrs Green to see you.
102. I wish Mrs Reese would stick to her knitting.
103. Ms/Miss/Mrs/Mr Please delete as applicable.
104. Mrs Maughan did not enlarge on what she meant.
105. His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down.
106. Mrs Smith teaches the rising fives.
107. Mrs Jones was a dear old body.
108. Mrs Edwards was singing your praises today.
109. Mrs Thatcher wanted to run a fourth time.
110. Mrs Evans had a fall and broke her leg.
111. Her first customer was none other than Mrs Blair.
112. The governorship went to a Democrat(, Mrs Anne Richards.
113. Mr. Smith was succeeded by Mrs. Jones as treasurer.
114. Mrs Roding's husband deserted her years ago.
115. A few moments later Mrs Tenney's eyelids flickered open.
116. I've come to pay my respects to Mrs O'Hara.
116. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
117. Mrs Lavelle is in a meeting at the moment.
118. Mrs Nolan always reminded Marie of her own mother.
119. Mrs Gardiner was a kindly old soul.
120. Mrs Bierce wears thick bifocal lenses.
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