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Liz in a sentence

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Sentence count:161+9Posted:2018-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lizalizardidolizecanalizerealizestylizeutilizetotalize
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151. Within months of filing for divorce, he had set up home with Boon co-star Liz Carling and they talked of marriage.
152. It was such a relief to see Liz looking healthy again.
153. I said nothing to Liz, but made a mental note to ask her sister about it later.
154. DEVIL-MAY-CARE actress Liz Hurley made a hell of a Beelzeboob at a charity fashion bash.
155. When they lost the family business, Liz went to pieces.
156. Liz was amazed when she found out how much dinner had cost.
157. For upholding the dying art of editing, eternal gratitude to my marvelous editor Liz Maguire.
158. If Weaver had been watching as Liz Spalding had been smuggled into the house, then the element of surprise was lost.
159. Liz drew the word out carefully.
160. Helen: Liz also mentioned the cutlery set, the knives, forks and spoons.
161. Liz Davies took the issue to the party but was roundly defeated.
More similar words: lizalizardidolizecanalizerealizestylizeutilizetotalizenormalizeidolizedrealizedvocalizescandalizeidealizepenalizeequalizeformalizefinalizevitalizecivilizemobilizestylizedlocalizemoralizelegalizeutilizedblizzardsubtilizevandalizeequalized
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