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Liz in a sentence

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Sentence count:161+9Posted:2018-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lizalizardidolizecanalizerealizestylizeutilizetotalize
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121. It all started when wine buff Liz entered another competition in the Express.
122. But Liz revealed her hair was naturally curly and that she prefers to dry it straight.
123. Liz suggested the following ways of dealing with her problems. 1.
124. If Anna wanted to be sullen, Liz decided she was best ignored.
125. When the children were called in for lunch, Anna went out to the slide and Liz took refuge in the bar.
126. Within eighteen months, they had firmed up a business plan, and Liz said good-bye to her migraines.
127. There was Little Liz, the rose-bloom on her cheek, avid for leather and narcotics.
128. Now she was trying to scare Liz away for whatever warped reason an anonymous caller might have.
129. Liz laughed, stretching luxuriously.
130. There was Liz, the baby of the family, who grew up to be a registered nurse.
131. Then he remembered that Liz had mentioned in passing that her father was a lawyer.
132. The profit at the end of the first year was greater than either Liz or Carol had hoped to achieve.
133. The remaining lines to the right have all been climbed by various combinations of Newton, McGinley and Liz Wade.
134. Now the remaining parents had taken their children into the nursery building for lunch, and Liz was alone.
135. Liz decided she would work part-time in a bookstore on weekends and attend some seminars on starting and running a business.
136. The long legs parted as the pale blue water took her, like an obscene gesture at Liz.
137. The sight of her filled Liz with a subdued and dreary panic.
138. Liz had a calendar and she crossed off the days in black ink.
139. Photobooth Collages, since 1985, Liz Rideal has been using photograph prints to create large composite pictures.
140. As far as Liz can remember the idea came upon them rather more casually, one Saturday morning in early November over breakfast.
141. Liz had a more robust notion of the self,( and took another line on the individual's place in the structure.
142. Liz, Larry and Billie-Jean were among thousands who packed the Shea baseball stadium to see Elton play.
143. Liz banged on the window and waved until Rebecca moved.
144. Single males are closely watched at nudist gatherings, says Liz.
145. Did she look so guilty because she thought Liz might have overheard what she'd been saying to Jimmy?
146. Liz Norton Both the YC-5 and YC-6 can be used for double bed knitting.
147. Liz was right to vanish, as the boys were right to congregate at the Maid Marian and avoid their grandmothers.
148. I asked him if he thought Liz was cute, and he's like, yeah, definitely.
149. Liz, Alix and Esther were reunited in Cambridge in the autumn of 1953.
150. Liz dragged her out of bed and stood over her while she got dressed.
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