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1930s in a sentence

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Sentence count:242+4Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 10000101105110115125130135Meaning: n. the decade from 1930 to 1939. 
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(121) It is, in a memorable phrase from the 1930s, a faraway country of which we know little.
(122) A politicisation of the thinking classes has taken place in the Thatcher years, echoing the revolt of intelligence in the 1930s.
(123) The 1930s were hard times, so I think they will be forgiven for this slight oversight.
(124) With the Depression of the 1930s, the main focus of financial management shifted to the defensive aspects of business survival.
(125) She, like the 1930s girls, also appears in a relatively relaxed, candid pose.
(126) And this museum, previously named the Museum of Non-Objective Art, was championing abstract art as early as the 1930s.
(127) He was seated in a massive, throne-like leather armchair of 1930s vintage.
(128) How do we explain the rise in European dictatorship in the 1930s?
(129) There are of course differences between the 1930s and late twentieth-century interpretations of the glamour girl.
(130) In the 1930s, they were key players in lettuce strikes in Salinas.
(131) In the United States in the 1930s, a financial collapse led to an economic collapse.
(132) It's like the twilight zone, as if you're travelling back to the depression of the 1930s.
(133) Widely available since the 1930s, instant coffee is produced commercially by brewing ground freshly roasted coffee to a strong concentrate.
(134) In the 1920s and 1930s Nina Boyle wrote a number of novels.
(135) The Grand Union Canal's reservoir at Ruislip was marketed by the canal company as a leisure amenity in the 1930s.
(136) One or two other workers made attempts at isolating the antibacterial substance from Penicillium during the 1930s.
(137) There is an extensive rose garden, separate from the Observatory, laid out in the 1930s.
(137) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(138) In particular, he acted as adviser to the Labour Party continuously from the 1930s till his death.
(139) In terms of value, roughly, that sum in the 1930s was equal to around £1500 in today's money.
(140) Many artists in the 1930s followed an overtly political agenda.
(141) The churches have never objected to the existence of the vocational schools since their establishment in the early 1930s.
(142) Nu and Aung San only grew to early manhood in the 1920s and 1930s.
(143) Both systems were created during the 1930s to accomplish specific missions.
(144) From the 1930s, the clearing banks directly linked their interest rates to Bank Rate.
(145) During the Depression of the 1930s and the Second World War, alcohol consumption, understandably, fell significantly.
(146) Inset Watching the world go by from the observation or promenade deck of an Empire Flying-boat, 1930s.
(147) In the 1930s top personalities from the wider sporting world took their bruises and broken bones to Highbury.
(148) His first major contribution came in the field of meteor-observing in the 1930s.
(149) All-night jam sessions were common in Kansas City jazz clubs of the 1930s.
(150) Fertility increases in Britain occurred in a modest way in the later 1930s and much more strikingly between the mid-1950s and 1960s.
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