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Balls in a sentence

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Sentence count:232+9 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: all sorts ofin full swingat full speedballballotverbalballoonglobal
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(1) She could not stop those balls from rolling round.
(2) Hedgehogs are like prickly balls.
(3) Signs with three balls hang outside pawnbrokers' shops.
(4) What a balls you've made of it!
(5) Trust me to balls up the interview!
(6) One guy was juggling with five balls.
(7) I listened to the thwack of the metal balls.
(8) Roll the dough into balls and flatten slightly.
(9) Rubber balls can be made to bound.
(10) Tennis balls and oranges are round.
(11) Local economists have looked into their crystal balls and seen something rather nasty.
(12) The bullets and cannon - balls were flying in all directions.
(13) The model is an odd-looking structure of balls and rods.
(14) I didn't have the balls to ask.
(15) Shape the dough into small balls.
(16) Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.
(17) Mould the sausage meat into little balls.
(18) He hit 13 boundaries from 183 balls.
(19) Roll the dough into small balls.
(20) It took a lot of balls to do that.
(21) What he said was a load of balls.
(22) That's a load of balls!
(23) He booted several easy ground balls.
(24) The boy shaped clay into balls.
(25) She's got balls(, I'll say that for her.
(26) To improve hand-eye co-ordination, practise throwing and catching balls.
(27) The boy moulded clay into balls.
(28) Tennis rackets and balls are provided.
(29) Form the dough into balls with your hands.
(30) She fought off her attacker by kicking him in the balls.
More similar words: all sorts ofin full swingat full speedballballotverbalballoonglobaltribalhave a ballbalancedbasketballbalance of
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