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180 in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+3Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 10000101105110115125130135Meaning: adj. being ten more than one hundred seventy. 
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61 The highlight of the sale was a carpet designed by Morris that sold for $ 180, 000.
62 Subsequent reports said that rescuers had recovered up to 180 bodies from the wreckage.
63 In September, he planted 2, 000 acres of wheat, an enterprise that cost about $ 180, 000.
64 About 180 of them competed for slots in five school bands this year.
65 Garage raid: A computer and a portable cassette player worth £180 were stolen from a garage in Northallerton.
66 He explained that Central Valley rivers and hatcheries have habitat and space, respectively, for 180, 000 salmon.
67 You may want to rotate the pans 180 degrees after the final spray(, if the oven is baking unevenly.
68 The upper storey of 180 feet provided accommodation for the library, committee room and living quarters for the gardener.
69 Campbell pled guilty to trespassing, shoplifting and assault in the incident and was sentenced to 180 days in jail.
70 The think tank said that 180,000 jobs had been lost in Labour's first three years.
71 Your valuation fee will be £180, legal fees another £300 and the arrangement fee £295, a total of £775.
72 Therefore, of 180 patients eligible for colonic cancer surveillance in ulcerative colitis 160 were entered into the programme.
73 At stake were 180 parliamentary and 455 state assembly seats.
74 Florida saves $ 180 million a year by financing home care and community care to keep people out of nursing homes.
75 Florida had a net gain of 127, 180, followed by California with about 61, 000.
76 On an annual premium of, say, £180.00 the credit charge per month works out at 90p.
77 If no amending legislation is enacted within 180 days, the Clinton administration is free to proceed as planned, Riggs said.
78 Three years ago, in Kyoto, the leaders of those 180 countries solemnly promised to cut these emissions.
79 Only 126 out of 180 Labour peers turned out to support the measure.
80 The database of approximately 180 references include audiovisual and print materials held in the school library.
81 The ratio of abortions per 1,000 live births was 229 in 1987, compared with 180 in 1977.
82 As you were over 75 and on a modest income, you were allowed the first £4,180 tax free.
83 The 180 page full colour catalogue is now available £6.95.
84 Congress's armed services committee recently allocated US$180 million to support research work.
85 A mahogany breakfast table sold at £200; an astral glazed pine cupboard £200 and a marble top washstand £180.
86 In its first year, more than 180,000 students took out loans worth some £70 million.
87 Friends of the Earth has had a similar growth rate in that period, so that its membership is now over 180,000.
88 Congratulations go to everyone who participated - they all stayed the course and helped to raise a staggering £2,180 for Cancer Research.
89 There are around 180 repair schemes to help older people obtain grants or loans for repair and improvement work.
90 A third and final round requiring only a three-fifths majority of 180 votes was due on March 3.
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