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180 in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+3Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 10000101105110115125130135Meaning: adj. being ten more than one hundred seventy. 
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91 By the end of July up to 180 people had died in the clashes and over 500 were wounded.
92 Usually, its highest speed is 180 kilometers per hour.
93 buna-n disc valves limited to 180 H temperatures.
94 CONCLUSION:Ipomoea Batatas Poir Cv Anthocyanins have no adverse effects in the experimental dosage used in this study, and it could have inhibitory effect on sacinoma S_(180).
95 In Figure , the holddown timer is set to 180 seconds. Therefore, an update to a route that was down and is now up could stay in the holddown state until the full 180 seconds have passed.
96 The rebel-controlled Arabian Gulf Oil Co. could restart up to 180, 000 barrels a day within a two-week period after security is guaranteed for the facilities, a spokesman for the company said Sunday.
97 In 1935 she purchase a stock for $ 180 a grand total of $ 7 million today.
98 Plate current only flows when a signal is present, and only flows for exactly half, or 180 degrees,( of the input cycle.
99 "There are 180 million single people in China, " he said. "They and their parents are all worried about the marriage problem.
100 Reduce to maintain not less than 180 knots until the out marker.
101 In particular last week's sharp rise to its stand on the important points of 180 yuan.
102 Using this model, Zhang and his team then designed a plasmonic waveguide with a 180 degree bend that won?t alter the energy or properties of a light beam as it makes the U-turn.
103 The reflection wave Pm on Moho discontinuity in 104 - 180 km is 7 - 10 times greater than Pg wave.
104 There's a natural, high-strung 180 degree angle between these signs.
105 This car will do 180 kilometres per hour if I drive it flat out.
106 Pitting, crevice corrosion and layer corrosion occurred on 180 YS and LF 21 M.
107 Auto flip with vertical 180 in omni-directions, no fade zone.
108 Methods A total of 180 patients with hyperlipidemia were randomly assigned into the metronidazole combined with lovastatin group or the metronidazole alone group.
109 The displaying screen can be circumrotated by 180, adjusting all kinds of view angle optionally.
110 At least 180 of the files contain accusations that Pakistan's military intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), had given arms, supplies and training to the insurgents.
111 Methods The arterial blood gases and electrolytes in 180 patients with obstructive pulmonary emphysema were analyzed.
112 Currently, China's electric passenger car can run between 180 - 200 kilometers with battery fully charged.
113 One option would be for Colony to create for Mr. Jackson a purpose-built theater at one of its hotel-casinos, where he would need to perform up to 180 nights a year.
114 The camera can focus on objects the size of a beach ball from more than 180 miles away.
115 Around A.D. 180, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon in what was then Roman Gaul, wrote a massive treatise called Against Heresies.
116 QZYB is a kind of enameled flat copper wire , thermal class 180, coated by polyesterimid resin.
117 In order to prevent glare with wall installation the user can slide a cap onto the recessed lighting fixture that restricts light distribution to 180 degrees.
118 Prior to the World Cup Final, a helicopter dropped orange flowers from the sky above Museumplein in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where 180,000 Dutch people watched the match.
119 "There are 180 million single people in China," Tian says. "They and their parents are all worried about the marriage problem."
120 The experimental duration was 180 days. The results showed that the lipid contents in the lung lavage liquor of the treated rats was much lower than that of the silicotic rats.
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