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Worldly in a sentence

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Sentence count:156+6Posted:2017-03-01Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: spiritualSimilar words: worldworld warin the worldworldwideall over the worldwildlifefor longpoorlyMeaning: ['wɜrldlɪ /'wɜː-]  adj. 1. characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world 2. very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world 3. concerned with secular rather than sacred matters. 
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31 Blue Nails imparts her worldly wisdom, trying to impress Felt Hat with her depth and spirituality.
32 Why, of course you must leave all your worldly goods to him.
33 The restraint of her expression belies the worldly rush of her life in New York and her racy reputation.
34 The trouble is that various worldly pressures will make you more, not less, inclined to play it safe.
35 They are, of course, gentler than Archdeacon Grantly; more democratic, less worldly and less glamorous.
36 The gospel is not analogous to philosophical wisdom; it is folly to the worldly.
37 When dons became involved in worldly affairs, they observed, mistakes were inevitable.
38 In our headlong pursuit to acquire wealth and worldly pleasures, Christians have become virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the world.
39 It was such gently acid mockery, she felt physically flayed under that worldly amusement.
40 He feels he has lost his soul and is thus unworthy of the worldly yet innocent Ada.
41 He also writes of how his illness changed him, how this worldly man gained a spirituality without losing his edge.
42 Our Church often measures things in terms of worldly success, and not in terms of the humility of weakness and failure.
43 No wonder enclosed nuns had to pray night and day for priests when they were so worldly.
44 A great number of emigres arrived daily from the mainland, left homeless and often destitute of all worldly possessions.
45 He loses all his worldly goods because a law suit is not decided in his favor.
46 This can easily deteriorate into prudential judgment, worldly planning and manipulation of voting procedures.
47 He learned that there was such a job as trading bonds from his more worldly classmates.
48 The unmarried woman is anxious about the affairs of the Lord; the married woman is anxious about worldly affairs.
49 These three writers are tagged as representatives of two hardly very different types or crisis-fancying, Third Worldly literary tourist.
50 She was much older and more worldly than I was.
51 They tear our houses down, burn up our worldly possessions,[] and sometimes even kill us.
52 But Jacob was promised neither worldly success nor material security, for the ladder was only the part of the dream.
53 Returned that same evening to Brigade Headquarters to collect my rucksack containing all my worldly possessions and, of course, the bagpipes.
54 It brings out the child and the tourist in even the most worldly of guests.
55 There he stands, high above the congregation, as though he has removed his last connection with worldly beings.
56 Nor was it the traditional and risible gaps between the spiritual duties of the clergy and their worldly preoccupations.
57 It involves an attitude of extreme asceticism and a hatred of all worldly things - especially the pleasures of the flesh.
58 Members of the church tried to isolate themselves from worldly influences.
59 The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord; the married man is anxious about worldly affairs.
60 She was more worldly than we, I thought, and it was true she looked like Kip.
More similar words: worldworld warin the worldworldwideall over the worldwildlifefor longpoorlyfor lifeforlornodorlessfor lack ofcolorlessmore or lessfloor leadersooner or lateridlysadlybadlydeadlygoodlyhardlycuddlyloudlygladlybroadlyspindlytimidlyproudlylucidly
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