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Virescence in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2018-08-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: virescentexcrescenceputrescenceflorescencefluorescenceconcrescenceefflorescenceinflorescence
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1. Highway virescence is one important part of highway construction.
2. Virescence has been an important part of our life.
3. Bambusa emeiensis'viridiflavus'is a graceful bamboo for virescence and view.
4. Campus virescence is the basic construction of the school.
5. Liriodendron Chinese is a superior virescence forestation specie , also a paper pulp-making and veneer-making specie in south China.
6. A combination of landscape virescence , spatial greening and costal construction features is to be achieved.
7. Connected with the interior design Interior virescence is a part of interior design.
8. We can prevent natural environment damage, make counterfort virescence, restore vegetation, improve soil, improve microclimate, purify polluted water and supernutrition water by planting it.
9. Party B shall provide specific virescence work cooperatively where there's any work inspection by relevant department.
10. The certified rate of the finished virescence construction is 100% and acquiring the good social effect, taking on the good public praise.
11. It acts as an important role for the virescence in the northern areas of China.
12. These works may provide some advices to the virescence of Jinan.
13. The research work provided scientific basis for virescence seedling production and plant medicine development of I. latifolia.
14. The afforestation survived rate and saved rate are the biggest in virescence flat and smallest in pensile stone plant holes among different vegetation restoration measures.
15. Zhuji Dayuan Gardening Co. , Ltd. was found in Sep. 1994, which is a collection of construction of gardens virescence, implantation of seedbeds and marketing.
16. As a climber with high adaptability, Prostrate spurge has a extensive foreground of application in vertical virescence in the north of frigid zones.
17. The five dimensions based on the research consist of reception service, cleanness and virescence, security, repairing service , and total evaluation.
18. The general plane shall be designed for environmental and virescence .
19. Through alteration on some aging flower bed , choose new breed to improve original virescence level cooperating with peripheral environment.
20. First, the author sets forth the thoughts on modern city's virescence, then proposes the zoology principles and conceivableness for modern Chongqing city with characteristics of mountain and river.
21. The application and exploitation prospect of ornamental ferns in Guangdong are discussed, and some native ferns are recommended to apply in landscape virescence.
22. As the main exhibition hall of the First China International Virescence Expo, the Green Expo Garden Exhibition Hall has become a representative of Hexi New City.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. Probe into method of the interior virescent interior design about the interior green plant, interior miniature garden, the fimcfion and form of the house yard virescence.
24. The selection and application of landscape plants in vertical virescence were introduced.
More similar words: virescentexcrescenceputrescenceflorescencefluorescenceconcrescenceefflorescenceinflorescencephosphorescenceincandescencequiescencesenescencepubescencetumescenceevanescenceadolescenceiridescencecoalescenceopalescenceobsolescenceluminescencedetumescenceacquiescenceintumescencedeliquescenceeffervescenceconvalescencerecrudescencepreadolescencebioluminescence
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