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Versatility in a sentence

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Sentence count:99Posted:2017-05-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: versatileconversationconversationalutilityfutilityhostilityfertilityinfertilityMeaning: [‚vɜrsə'tɪlətɪ /‚vɜː-]  n. having a wide variety of skills. 
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61. The application of the diode matrix and stepping principles not only increases the controllers versatility greatly but also makes the programming work much easier.
62. Flexibility and versatility define the rear seats and cargo area, which are designed to support a wide variety of luxury and leisure interests.
63. Kate shows the versatility of a classic fitted trench, like this A-line navy number from Ted Baker London.
64. A plumber in the alternative film Brazil, a former violent Christian follower in The Mission and Al Capone in The Untouchables , all these films in the 1980's proved the actor's versatility.
65. The remarkable characteristics of their ethics lies in pragmatic moral values of fame. wealth and progressivism. Their methodology emphasizes power, understanding, and versatility.
66. With refined elegance, this classic necklace is imbued with a natural versatility.
67. Our tiling products are designed to provide great versatility to the tiling industry.
68. A velvet dress has the versatility of being worn front - to a low back or plunging neckline.
69. For versatility and genius in acting, writing, directing and producing The Circus.
70. His versatility, athleticism and ability the 3 - pointer certainly fit our style of play.
71. Versatility is another of your strong points, but don't overdo it by having too many irons in the fire.
72. The height of head harmonizable blade or any arbitrary adjustable backer, constitute the versatility of the machine.
73. Versatility of mind as well as the inventive gift and scientific leanings are attributes of the astrological Mercurius.
74. First of all, for the versatility of the master-hand robot, we study the basic requirements and technical indicators of its design, and carry out a comprehensive configuration on this basis.
75. At just 1.4 metres in height, Partner Robot a wimp - but its talent is versatility, not strength.
76. Lots of soap - castile soap is highly recommended due to its versatility - can be used for bathing, shampooing, dishes, household chores, etc. and is friendly on the environment.
77. He is a painter, prophet, sculptor, inventor, musician, medical scientist, biologist, geographer, architect, military engineer and economist who possesses deep thoughts(, wisdom and versatility.
78. I like her forehand's depth and her backhand's—a two-handed backhand, of course—precision and versatility.
79. Adaptive pattern recognition system (WISARD) has found extensive applications in various areas because of its massive parallel distributed processing ability, versatility and self adaptability.
80. Her versatility showed in the number of different characters she played including maidservant, teacher, and farm girl.
81. Terra-cotta objects are usually left unglazed and are often of a utilitarian kind, because of their cheapness, versatility, and durability.
82. If you have any Dragons to recruit, I recommend you save money for a Dragon instead of buying Hydras , due to Dragon's high versatility.
83. Destined to go into productionin2011, the3-Series GT will offerthesame odd styling and hatchback versatility ofitsbigger brother, the5-Series GT.
84. The WISA Wooden Design Hotel is an outstanding example of wood's versatility.
85. A squad size of 20 is the number suggested — with no reduction in versatility.
86. Equip your truck with wheel accessories for enhanced versatility(, appearance and comfort.
87. As proof of her versatility, the comedienne has appeared in films of extremely diverse character.
88. The electrochemical technologies have attracted a great deal of attention, mainly because of their versatility, ease in operation, amenability to automation, and its environmental compatibility.
89. This factory product versatility, uses in not having the asbestos, semimetal domain and so on friction material, ceramics, coating, metallurgy.
90. Maximise the versatility of your truck and prolong its service life with driveline equipment.
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