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Ultrastructure in a sentence

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Sentence count:158Posted:2018-01-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: infrastructurestructurestructuredrestructuresubstructuresuperstructureunstructuredcell structure
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91 When SRWC is 30%, the chloroplast ultrastructure of Tamarix hispida Willd potting planted is collapsing, inferring that the drought stress is very serious.
92 MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Microstructure and ultrastructure of skeletal muscles were observed, as well as the expression of desmin and vimentin .
93 The ultrastructure of Scnedesmus obliquus were studied by transmission electron microscope.
94 Methods The clinic, histopathology , immunohistochemistry and ultrastructure of Zygomaticofacial naevus fuscoceruleus, Melasma, Naevus of ota were analysised respectively.
95 The article studied each kind of fur animal wool fiber surface contours and the ultrastructure, made the standard sample atlas.
96 BACKGROUND: Effect of exercise training on ultrastructure of skeletal muscle is a focus of quantified cytobiology in sports medicine.
97 The significance of the evolutive changes in the microstructure,[] and ultrastructure of Trionyx sinensis thymus in relation to the function and evolution has been discussed.
98 Objective To study the ultrastructure of the atrioventricular node in normal adult human heart.
99 To study on microstructure and ultrastructure may provide some information for myxomycete taxonomy.
100 Conclusion Hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) can improve mucosal morphology, preserve enterocyte ultrastructure, enhance amino acid absorption of isograft after small intestine transplantation in rat.
101 The Ultrastructure and development of Encephalitozoon cuniculi in culture cells from lst to 7th were dynamically generation observed with electron micro-scope.
102 The leaf microstructure and chloroplast ultrastructure of grapes cultivated with pergola in greenhouse developed normally, and Its were exceptional cultivated with vertical trellis system.
103 AIM: To study the periodontic response of ultrastructure during orthodontic tooth movement.
104 Histology and ultrastructure of the kidney in Swordtails(Xiphophorus helleri) were studied with microscope and transmission electron microscope.
105 Ultrastructure of mucosal epithelium of small and large intestine in 15 Soft-shelled Turtles, Trionyx sinensis, was observed using transmission electron microscope.
106 At present, the ultrastructure of sperm of squamate reptiles was mainly used in the system relation of family level.
107 AIM:To examine the effect of endotoxin of prevotella intermedia and bacteroides fragilis on proliferation and ultrastructure of periodontal ligament cells in vitro .
108 The ultrastructure of the eggshell of fertilized egg and unfertilized egg of Alligator sinensis was studied by scanning electron microscopy.
109 Sand culture experiment[], electron microscopy technique were used to investigate the compound effects of nitrogen and zinc on nodule development and ultrastructure of white clover.
110 Objective To investigate the effect of eye acupuncture on learning disorder and dysmnesia, and changes in the ultrastructure of hippocampus neurons in experimental vascular dementia (VD) rats.
111 Conclusion The ultrastructure characteristics support that the origin of intracranial chondroma is brephic embryonic rest of osteoprogenitor cells in the basicranial periost.
112 Studies on the microstructure and ultrastructure of photosynthetic apparatuses in Azolla.
113 Objective To investigated the effects of different holding temperature on the metabolic activity, ultrastructure and patency of cryopreserved allograft arteries.
114 In the spermatogenesis, Sertoli cell showed the typical ultrastructure features of steroid hormone secreting cell.
115 Objective:To study the ultrastructure of the tegmentum vasculosum(TV) in chick inner ear so as to obtain important information for its physiology and pathology.
116 Changes of ultrastructure in ischemia brain tissue were observed with oxalic-potassium pyroantimonate electron microscope cytochemistry technique.
117 The change of the sperm ultrastructure of Crassostrea gigas during egg penetrating was studied.
118 The ultrastructure of the second-generation schizogony of Tyzzeria perniciosa of Peking duck has been studied by TEM.
119 Methods: Intra-operative cholangiogram, pancreatic histology and ultrastructure examination, serum and bile amylase measurements were carried out on 25 children with choledochal cysts.
120 Objective: To study the ultrastructure of sperm tail of idiopathic asthenospermia, and research the mechanism of sperm movement obstacle of idiopathic asthenospermia.
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