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Ultrastructure in a sentence

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Sentence count:158Posted:2018-01-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: infrastructurestructurestructuredrestructuresubstructuresuperstructureunstructuredcell structure
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1 The ultrastructure of the intestine was examined in seven patients.
2 An ultrastructure model of nucleocapsid has been proposed.
3 The ultrastructure of the relationship between the sarcoplasmic (SR) and the intercalated disk in the atrial myocardial cells of the heart is studied.
4 The ultrastructure of metacercaria of Paragonirtus westermani was observed with scanning electron microscopy.
5 The ultrastructure changes showed various degrees of degeneration and edema and focal cytolysis necrosis in liver, heart, lung, kidney.
6 Cells were characterized by immunohistochemistry, cytochemistry,[] FACS and ultrastructure to identify and detect the differentiated population and markers.
7 Gallium can alleviate the damage of osteocyte ultrastructure elicited by osteoporosis.
8 Introduce the functional anatomy and ultrastructure of insects, with emphasis on adaptation and evolutionary significance.
9 The ultrastructure of chloride cell of gill of Crassostrea gigas is studied with the transmission electron microscope.
10 Objective To clarify the mechanism, histopathological changes and ultrastructure changes of systemic malassezia infection.
11 The ultrastructure of a case of juxtaglomerular cell tumor was observed and analysed using transmission electron microscope.
12 The ultrastructure of the ventral scales of Trimeresurus stejnegeri was observed by means of atomic force microscopy.
13 Examination of retinal ultrastructure showed intraretinal thickening, which was similar to clinically evident edema.
14 Recent progresses of study on sperm ultrastructure of Bivalve[], Gasteropod and Cephalopoda were introduced.
15 Objective To investigate the ultrastructure of the chorda tympani nerve and analyze the taste and facial nerve functions in patients with cholesteatoma.
16 Ultrastructure of the pars nervosa in the French quail have been studied by means of electron microscopy.
17 Ultrastructure changes in substantia nigra and striatum after chronic ischemia have an effects on behavior of stereotypy and change function of dopamine system in rats.
18 And taxonomy adapts the evidences of ultrastructure, genetics and molecular biology to form a comprehensive branch of mycology.
19 Aim To report the result of ultrastructure observation of the cysticercus cysts in human brain with SEM. Methods Two cysticerci were obtained by cranniectomy under right temporal muscle.
20 Conclusion: Maternal folate deficiency can change the ultrastructure of fetal rat lobus frontalis. It may lead to abnormality of neuronal function and disturb fetal brain development.
21 The observation of ultrastructure showed that the plasmalemma invaginated, " small vesicles" emerged, then organelle disintegration started.
22 As for ultrastructure, quantitative analysis showed that NPY-IR amacrine cell processes were most often presynaptic to NPY negative amacrine cell processes (49.7%) and ganglion cell dendrites (49.3%).
23 Typic ultrastructure of apoptosis cells was found under electron microscope after the cells were treated with DCI.
24 To study the ultrastructure of the sarcocyst from pigs, and the influence of preserving pork samples by freezing on the sarcocyst ultrastructure.
25 Objective:To observe the sperm ultrastructure in epididymis after vasectomy and their changes in semen after vasovasostomy.
26 Ultrastructure of cerebral tissue, lactate content in venous return blood, ATP content in cerebral tissue and activity of nitric oxide synthetase (NOS) in cerebral cells were measured.
27 The time sequencing of formation of the embryo attachment system is determined by the behavior of females, the activities of cement glands as well as changes of egg membrane ultrastructure.
28 The Boer goat ear skin fibroblast nucleo-transferred embryos and bovine-goat(Boer) interspecies clone embryos have been evaluated by studying the ultrastructure of Boer goat embryos in vivo.
29 The separated brain was fixed with Glutaraldehyde and Osmic acid. The changes of the cerebral ultrastructure were observed under the electron microscope.
30 Conclusion It has great significance of nucleus and cell organelle as taxonomic character of Squamate lizard in the ultrastructure of spermiogenesis of Takydromus septentrionalis.
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