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Transfer in a sentence

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Sentence count:218+19Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: change handsdeliverhand overpassSimilar words: transformtransformationtransittransmittranslatetransienttransporttransitionMeaning: [træns'fɜr /-'fɜː]  n. 1. the act of moving something from one location to another 2. someone who transfers or is transferred from one position to another 3. the act of transfering something from one form to another 4. a ticket that allows a passenger to change conveyances 5. application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation 6. transferring ownership. v. 1. move around 2. transfer somebody to a different position or location of work 3. move from one place to another 4. lift and reset in another soil or situation 5. cause to change ownership 6. change from one vehicle or transportation line to another 7. send from one person or place to another 8. shift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes 9. transfer from one place or period to another. 
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31. I'd like to transfer $500 to my checking account.
32. His club have given him a free transfer.
33. Hold on one moment while I transfer your call.
34. I intend to transfer the property to my son.
35. The novel does not transfer well to the movies.
36. Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber.
37. The Philippines needs capital and technology transfer.
38. Transfer the meat to warm plates.
39. Please hold the line while I transfer you.
40. She now had to transfer her design skills to a commercial environment.
41. Black's transfer to an Italian football club came as a shock to Coventry supporters.
42. Children usually transfer to secondary school at 11 or 12.
43. The speech did not transfer well to the printed page.
44. The new government's policy is to transfer state industries from the public sector to the private sector.
45. The ageing president is preparing to transfer power to his son.
46. You will need to arrange a telegraphic transfer from your bank to ours.
47. The club captain has been put on the transfer list at his own request.
48. Ideas that work well in one school often don't transfer well to another.
49. Anton was able to transfer from Lavine's to an American company.
50. Some party members found it hard to transfer their loyalty to the new leader.
51. Employees are paid by direct transfer to a bank account.
52. The club's goalkeeper isn't happy here,( and has asked for a transfer .
53. He has asked for a transfer to the company's Paris branch.
54. It was the first goal he had scored since his transfer from Chelsea.
55. The show will transfer to the West End on October 9, after a month's run in Birmingham.
56. I decided to transfer my loyalty to my local team.
57. They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power.
58. You can transfer data to a disk in a few seconds.
59. Would all transfer passengers please report to the airport transfer desk.
60. The aim is to transfer power/control/responsibility to self-governing regional councils.
More similar words: transformtransformationtransittransmittranslatetransienttransporttransitiontransactiontranslationtransmissiontransportationactive transportentranceofferreferdifferofferingjeansreferencedifferentinterferepreferencediffer fromconferencedifferencemansioninterfere inanswer forby any means
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