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Tow in a sentence

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Sentence count:195+5Posted:2017-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: dragdrawhaulheavepulltugSimilar words: townstowtowertoweltowardkowtowbestowdowntownMeaning: [təʊ]  n. the act of hauling something (as a vehicle) by means of a hitch or rope. v. drag behind. 
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121. The robust M-estimate of the unknown function is proposed by local linear method, and the robust M-estimate of the unknown parameter by tow step method.
122. Corn gluten meal (CGM), a co-product of corn wet milling, is available widely. Because of its tow price, it can be refined to enhance its value.
124. Just as the filmgoer sees things from the point of view of the camera, so we see Tony the Tow Truck from the point of view of the tow truck, right?
125. Tow famous econometric models are the Federal Reserve Bank econometric model and DRI - WEFA model.
126. And your strength shall be as the ashes of tow, and your work as a spark: and both shall burn together, and there shall be none to quench it.
127. In tow were American Waco and British Hamilcar gliders filled with soldiers or equipment.
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128. Methods 117 female cases with visible symptoms of NGU infected by UU were divided into tow groups randomly, of which, one treated by microwave locally and another treated by susceptive medicine.
129. Positioning function of the PLC and servo positioning module was utilized to control valve position and regulate glycerol flow rate in real-time, according to the tow speed.
130. I blew out a fan belt on my car, and it's nice to be able to give the tow driver a twenty.
131. According to the relations between the objective function and the constraint function, the fuzzy optimization can fall into tow categories about symmetry and unsymmetry.
132. One day I heard a story about a group who had ridden from Buffalo to Albany, along the old Erie Canal tow path.
133. Actually, things got a little weirder when the tow truck driver showed up.
134. My car broke down; can you give me a tow?
135. Experiment 1 detects that the memorial performances of the tow groups have no differences, but the symbolical performances of unique places are better than it of identical places.
136. The Cyclades islands include tow of Greece's most popular, Santorini and Mykonos.
137. Besides joint strip gally we you still are met what ! Bovine B you tow away!
138. However, instead of the yarn, she put in a clump of tow and let it boil away.
139. RESULTS: ENG recorded tow kinds of nystagmus waveform as saw tooth wave and pendulum waveformsinusoidal wave.
140. I long to exert a fraction of Samson's strength, and break the entanglement like tow!
141. All tow - stage high - pressure turbine blades fractured during the process of testing the engine.
142. We happily accepted the deal, and after a brief run to the island's only convenience store, a six-pack in tow, we ran back to the pier.
143. Lillian Hansan, a collage student, expects to graduate in about tow years.
144. The authorities have been swift to sweep up the street damage, tow away burnt-out cars, sandblast graffiti and board up or replace broken bank and shop windows.
145. And the strong shall be as tow, and the maker of it as a spark, and they shall both burn together, and none shall quench them.
146. The influence of linear density uneveness of PP tow for cigarette on the filter tip quality was described. The influential factors upon linear density uneveness were analyzed.
147. There is tow kinds of aminophenol in the protein sequence, the one is hydrophobe aminophenol, the other is hydrophile aminophenol.
148. This is also where I'd head if I had children in tow - the Orangery welcomes kids and even has a special version of tea for them.
149. Methods 60 patients with heroin prolonged withdrawal symptom were divided into randomly tow groups, one was 50 patients to take U'finer 6 month, another was 10 patients to take Naltrexone 6 month too.
150. Personal arrangement in low-efficiency oil and gas fields development is discussed. Meanwhile, tow kinds of shifts system are compared and advices for improving labor management are put forward.
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