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Summarizing in a sentence

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Sentence count:71+1Posted:2017-11-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: summarizesummarizationsummarilysummarisesummaryin summarymesmerizingsummand
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31. This article aims at summarizing the development of research on synthesis of tributyl citrate and the catalysis of sulfonic acid, inorganic salt, solid superacid, heteropoly acid, rare earth compound.
32. Information processing such as data gathering , summarizing, and analyzing.
33. This article is summarizing several imaging methods in the diagnosis of ampullary carcinoma.
34. Summarizing the trend of maritime arbitration system is of great help to the development of Chinese maritime arbitration.
35. Through summarizing the evolution of corporate gene theory, the paper finds out that in the current research full attention has not yet been paid to the significance of the dividable feature of gene.
36. Avoid redoing parts of the project by summarizing your vision of what needs to be done, and get a sign-off from your client or boss on your approach.
37. The development of online news communication makes the editorship system of online news come into being gradually, which enhances the needs of summarizing it in practice and studying in theory.
38. My captors at EW have ( kindly ) asked me to write a column summarizing my Oscar weekend.
39. Summarizing the domestic and international design experience, the JS1000-based twin-shaft concrete mixer were Edesigned, including design principles, main technical parameters and main parts, etc.
40. Secondly, after summarizing a series of related works, we present the notion, security model, as well as the first concrete scheme for multi-receiver certificateless public key encryption.
40. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
41. It was not possible to compare dollars spent with accomplishments without summarizing the dollars to the same grain as that of the program level.
42. The most accessible (and alliterative) source of finer-grained parallelism in mainstream server applications is sorting, searching, selection, and summarizing of data sets.
43. The article expounding the meaning of using miniature courseware to promote information about physical subject instruction from summarizing author's practice experience.
44. Bacterial oxidation and accumulation of manganese are mainly reviewed by summarizing the relationship between organism and manganese, and microbial oxidation mechanism of manganese is explored.
45. The lately researches of the function of FLC in the process of vernalization are reviewed in this article on the basis of summarizing various pathways those promote flowering.
46. The breeding and cultivation techniques of Elaeagnus were described in detail after summarizing its food value, ornamental value and medical value.
47. Good leaders improve communication by asking questions and then summarizing the conversation—something narcissists are too self-involved to do.
48. Problems found via examination on sample bath, the specific rules can be formulated by summarizing the experiences to solve the problems and to ensure the smooth processing of electrobath.
49. Therefore, conclusion and summarizing of the past phenomenon, scilicet , is the meaning and value of this paper.
50. The characteristics of four syllable expressions in Dai language are an organizing and summarizing of the objective language material.
51. In this way, Foucault cursorily drew an outline of genealogy of modern power through this course, summarizing the preterit work and unsealing the research way for the future.
52. MCAI course can be applied to classroom teaching, self-culture, tutorship, review, summarizing, unit examination and teaching data processing in the university science teaching.
53. By summarizing the status, the reasons of endangerment and research trends, scientific evidence for the protection and management of the Great Bustard is collected.
54. Objective To discuss imaging features and differentiating diagnosis of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery infarction by summarizing the features of 16 lesions on MRI.
55. Based on summarizing its generating mechanism and evolutive law, some suggestions for design and construction are advanced.
56. Analyzing and Summarizing the maximum power point tracking ( MPPT ) control method and non - islanding protection.
57. Methods: Reading literatures related to therapy of uterine leiomyoma , th en summarizing them.
58. Methods:Organizing and summarizing 44 reported literatures about the plants of Dipsacus L.
59. With summarizing the magnetizing separation technology and its application, the magnetizing principle for weakly magnetic substance and magnetizing separation flow is given in this paper.
60. Provides links to topics with steps for summarizing results, including NULL and Nonnumeric columns.
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