Similar words: subsist, side by side, cubs, substance, subsequent, subscriber, substantial, substantially. Meaning: ['sʌbsɪdɪ] n. a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public.
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61 The whole post-war attempt to democratise culture through State subsidy has failed.
62 In addition, some subsidy programs help to raise interest rates and thus increase borrowing costs for traditional public activities.
63 Growers who then choose to cultivate tobacco would do so without any subsidy or protection, he said.
64 Still, it amounted to a massive subsidy to Wall Street from Congress.
65 The second approach to verifying the state subsidy theory is through interviews with strikers.
66 It relied on government subsidy and was closed at the end of 1958.
66 Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
67 State subsidy has shrunk, but little private finance has taken its place.
68 In the end, only some form of income subsidy will fill that bill.
69 Funding and subsidy schemes in the member states are not harmonised, and will not be, according to the new cultural paragraph.
70 The community is not bound to provide what is in effect a subsidy for unconscionable employers.
71 The policy implications of this review of the health justification for public subsidy of sport are complex.
72 Ten thousand marks were sought from King John as a subsidy for the Holy Land.
73 The Commission official insisted these loans were repayable with interest, and did not constitute a subsidy.
74 For that,[] he receives a mouth-watering 70 percent of his subsidy from the city.
75 The level of rent to qualify for full Housing Benefit subsidy will be determined according to locally operating market forces.
76 This would be a radical departure from the subsidy system that has dominated the agricultural economy for more than 50 years.
77 The Good Parliament had refused to grant a subsidy, and accordingly another parliament was summoned for January 1377.
78 This proves expensive for the police, who receive no subsidy from soccer sources for officers on duty outside the stadium.
79 A growing number of clubs and societies such as the movie-makers, art appreciation and folk club, all receive Union subsidy.
80 Taken together these are a significant help and in effect constitute an indirect government subsidy.
81 Together they fought to keep the tax subsidy for churches in Connecticut and Massachusetts.
82 Auntie Muriel buys the cheapest gauze and spends the rest of the subsidy on red wine.
83 What is not required is the traditional form of arts subsidy: the direct grant to an individual or a group.
84 The third subsidy to owner occupation comes from the abolition of the Schedule A tax.
85 Since this encouragement was not accompanied by subsidy from central government, the outcome was locally various.
86 Local detention is considerably cheaper, although the state might still chip in with a subsidy.
87 But donations to help elect or defeat political candidates have been denied such a subsidy since 1954.
88 Funding and subsidy schemes were only to be allowed provided they were open to all artists in the Community.
89 Insulation, incredibly enough in our climate, did not get housing subsidy and so is primitive or non-existent.
90 Secondly, marginal cost pricing in natural monopoly does not necessarily require a subsidy.
More similar words: subsist, side by side, cubs, substance, subsequent, subscriber, substantial, substantially, side, aside, beside, outsider, besides, set aside, put aside, on the side, lay aside, consider, resident, sidewalk, president, alongside, cast aside, residence, aside from, presidency, residential, presidential, considerably, considerable.