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Home > Sobering in a sentence

Sobering in a sentence

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Sentence count:51+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: soberlumberinglingeringgatheringofferingwitheringmotheringwanderingMeaning: ['səʊbə(r)]  adj. tending to make sober or more serious. 
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(1) It was a sobering thought .
(2) The news had a sobering effect.
(3) Surviving a car accident is a sobering experience.
(4) Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment, tight credit, lower home values, sluggish job growth.
(5) Their sobering conversation brought home to everyone present the serious and worthwhile work the Red Cross does.
(6) It is sobering to realize that this is not a new problem.
(7) The bad news had a sobering effect on all of us.
(8) The menace of those long gun barrels was sobering.
(9) At Cosford I received a sobering shock, being beaten by Lincoln Asquith in the 60 metres.
(10) No, it's not a sobering thought, it's a weird one.
(11) Frightening thoughts, but ones that serve as sobering reminders of the need to protect your loved ones with life insurance.
(12) This is a sobering reminder of the need for the United States to resume its leadership in an important field.
(13) And I know, from the sobering vantage point of midlife, that she will never recover.
(14) Once again he was in the sobering presence of violent death.
(15) Neither of them could be described as a sobering influence.
(16) Yet he is a survivor(, sticking to his sobering material and plain aesthetic no matter who his paymaster is.
(17) The experience is sobering, a renewed effort has to be made to obtain commodes.
(18) The news had a sobering effect on all of us.
(19) It was a sobering thought, but one that was whipped out of her mind by Travis's return.
(20) It is sobering to recall that Messrs Henderson, Cartledge and Bukovsky narrowly lost the debate.
(21) But the study also offers a sobering reminder about the financial squeeze on families at the bottom.
(22) John summed it up as the super sixties, sobering seventies and ebb and flow of the eighties.
(23) Parts of the county are still sobering up from the unprecedented celebrations.
(24) It was somewhat sobering to have all these things go wrong at once, and I decided to become more selective.
(25) European reactions have been sobering.
(26) This led jastrow to the sobering conclusion.
(27) The fact that this country spends more on its military than on education and health care combined is a sobering thought .
(28) He does a similarly good job on energy, with some sobering figures on inefficiency and the build-up of toxic waste.
(29) Zamaron bought the paintings of both Modigliani and Utrillo and let them out after a sobering night in the cells.
(30) He would put his mind to other issues, one of which was sobering in its own right.
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