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So to speak in a sentence

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Sentence count:80+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: as it wereas we saySimilar words: to speak ofspeakspeakerspeak upspeak forgo to sleeppeakprospectMeaning: adv. 1. as if it were really so 2. in a manner of speaking. 
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1. He is, so to speak, a bit too cruel to his wife.
2. We have to pull down the barriers, so to speak, of poverty.
3. The new procedures have been officially christened, so to speak.
4. Such divisions are not, so to speak, purely academic.
5. Code of commerce, so to speak.
6. To get back to business, so to speak.
7. Denver had come around, so to speak.
8. The babies, so to speak, are helplessly powerful.
9. I unlocked the secret, so to speak.
10. Being in charge of a lethal weapon, so to speak.
11. But camped out in their front yard, so to speak, we suddenly felt very exposed.
12. The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.
13. It is however, of immense importance, so to speak, from another angle.
14. What the dickens, so to speak, was he to do?
15. Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism. Sigmund Freud 
16. He could get caught up in the story, so to speak,[] and little by little begin to forget himself.
17. Your base of operations, so to speak, has been abstracted from the underlying computer.
18. Leese had never let the Huey relax, so to speak.
19. They are, so to speak, medications or courses of treatment.
20. The cutters often worked in a vacuum, so to speak, relying on spot checks and routine searches during their patrols.
21. They were all very similar. All cut from the same cloth, so to speak.
22. I ought not to tell you but I will, since you're in the family[sentencedict .com], so to speak.
23. Age had not yet wearied them; they were well capable of standing up for themselves, so to speak.
24. Relationships grow stressful when managers and subordinates bump elbows, so to speak within the same frame of reference.
25. Anyway, they've seized on this legal brouhaha as an example of Albion's perfidy, so to speak.
26. Patients with cancer, I believe, die from a negative state of stress so to speak.
27. If this happens then the parents have the right of way, so to speak.
28. It was the end of the day - choccy time so to speak - and there were four people in the room.
29. Other than that, the world was my artistic oyster, so to speak.
30. I reckoned him to be about forty-ish, a family man - a man of the world, so to speak.
More similar words: to speak ofspeakspeakerspeak upspeak forgo to sleeppeakprospectintrospectintrospectionso thattosshospitalchitosanphotomotoratmospherego togethera lot ofthat is to sayto some extentprotocolgo to piecespeanutappealappearphotographbreaksteaksneak
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