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Shortbread in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2018-01-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: short breakheartbreakheartbreakingshort of breathshortness of breathbreak bread withoutbreakcircuit breakerMeaning: n. very rich thick butter cookie. 
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1) You can make shortbread with margarine instead of butter, but it isn't the same.
2) At least I've my shortbread baked, I wouldn't give the bought stuff houseroom.
3) Its texture is different from regular shortbread.
4) Shortbread is a short crumbly cookie.
5) Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture.
6) Rich chocolate pudding, crunchy shortbread crust,( topped with fresh whip cream.
7) The sauced rice shortbread in the invention is faint yellow and cuboid, has elegant appearance, is luscious and tasty and crisp, and has enriched nutrition.
8) For example, if you find eating crisps and shortbread biscuits a negative thing when you're trying to get healthy but are still eating it, you're really inhibiting how well your body could do.
9) "With the buttery crunch of a sophisticated shortbread, these are dangerously addictive, " says Apartment Therapy.
10) Here are some shortbread and some home - made cakes.
11) And anyone who knows shortbread, can attest to the fact that the dough is very heavy with no liquid ingredients.
12) I made you some of those, uh, shortbread biscuits that you like so much.
13) Jess looked at the worried forehead wrinkles, the nervous hands fussing over the teacups, plum cake and shortbread.
14) Why not? she thought, and packed a sample treacle cake and some shortbread with her first order.
15) This china teapot is the perfect centrepiece to accompany shortbread and Christmas cake.
16) At three fifteen Mavis brought us in our tea on a tray with a plateful of shortbread biscuits.
17) Instead, Michelle Obama, wife of Democratic Illinois Senator Barack Obama, has put forward a recipe for shortbread cookies with zest of lemon and orange, and a cheeky kick of almond liqueur Amaretto.
18) But, there is some science involved and I'm here to tell you about the science and history of shortbread .
19) Blumenthal's Spiced Popping Candy Chocolate Tart was created especially for Waitrose, and features a hazelnut shortbread base with orange chocolate ganache on top.
20) If you've got a sweet tooth, there are miniature substitutes for our favorite chocolate chip, cream-filled, shortbread and alphabet cookies.
21) Oh yes, sir. It's the thought of my Aunt Lottie's homemade shortbread that keeps me going.
22) TEA: Fill gallon jar with a variety of tea bags, shortbread cookies, cloth napkins, preserves, tea strainer and muffin mix.
23) I was sitting in a cafe in Australia when I ordered this shortbread sandwich. It was lemon and passionfruit and I've never forgotten it.
24) Before the talk, he stood drinking wine and eating shortbread with a pair of men who had been American licensees of Laura Ashley.
25) You know, the funny thing about all of this learning how to make the perfect shortbread is that I never had any real training.
26) In the first year of business, Joseph used every spare moment to perfect his shortbread recipe, and it was time well spent.
27) Of course, we have no way of knowing who was the original chap to make shortbread ...
More similar words: short breakheartbreakheartbreakingshort of breathshortness of breathbreak bread withoutbreakcircuit breakershortbreadshortsshortyshort ofshortieshortenshort forfor shortin shortshortlybreadthshortishshortfallshorthandrun shortshortageshort runshortingfall shortcut shortshortest
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