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Servo in a sentence

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Sentence count:280Posted:2018-01-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reservoirfervourfervornervousnervouslynervousnessnervous systemnervous tissueMeaning: n. control system that converts a small mechanical motion into one requiring much greater power; may include a negative feedback system. adj. of or involving servomechanisms. 
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181. Bond graph model of electro - hydraulic load simulator controlled by P - Q servo - valve was set up.
182. The experimental results prove that this servo system has good dynamic and static behaviors and can meet the demand of gun turret satisfactorily.
183. When the servo disk gets loose and eccentric, the system's performance will get
184. The first-step research work of electro-hydraulic servo oscillation system on Baosteel Continuous Casting Testing Platform is introduced.
185. The F21 mounting configuration allows for direct pancake resolver replacement featuring a jamb nut and tethered servo ring.
186. The servo power and control lines are routed across the expansion header to provide additional powering options and additional servo ports when the expansion board is installed.
187. The working principle and measuring methods of the Servo liquidometer are discussed in the paper as well as the matters needing attention while installation and daily operation.
188. Applicable for heavy loading, main axis of CNC tooling machine, orientation and speed testing of servo motor.
189. In this paper mould electro hydraulic servo oscillation control system with digital wave occurer is introduced.
190. The application of electro - hydraulic servo system to the tilting car body structure is discussed.
191. In order to solve the problem of voltage converting of optical encoder signals in AC and DC speed servo system, the double polarity F/V converting circuit is given based on LM2907.
192. A study focussed on an electronic hydraulic servo motor, in which an optical electric pulse coder is used as the feedback sensor.
193. Therefore, high performance servo drive controller system and its products must have great potential.
194. ... - feed servo mechanism, the numerical control machine can solve non - circular ...
195. Pressure tracking of a pneumatic servo system plays an important part in the active pneumatic isolation technique.
196. It is then modified by signals received from the EV-1 via the Electronic Servo Valve to create the desired steady or non-steady extravascular chamber pressures.
197. This paper discusses control method, system programming technology of multichannel Electrohydraulic servo harmony loading system.
198. This paper introduced how to use digital AC servo motor in the universal material testing machine, and give an example of applying MINAS A serial servo motor to 5 tons material testing machine.
199. A servo controller MTBF referring to the components failure rates published in foreign and domestic countries was calculated.
200. A pneumatic rotary actuator angular position servo system is studied, which adopts 3-port proportional flow valve as a control device.
201. The position control card POSCON controls a complete servo axis.
202. This paper introduces how to design an trimming machine this cutting size can adjust by computer, pneumatic system, servo motor, invertor system, temperature control system.
203. The essay mainly introduces the hardware composition of AMK AC servo in filter tip attachment assembly and analyzes its performance.
204. The performance of servo control system determines the reliability and stability of VTR (Video Tape Recorder), and enables ultimately VTRs to record and replay video signal accurately.
205. The barometric brake system is the most familiar power servo brake system.
206. This paper puts forward a new method of determining the greatest no_load flow rate for servo valve, selecting effective area and defining flow rate for a pump according to load locus.
207. A kind of the pulse control mode, the drive and motor closed loop, but not to the numerical control system, the feedback device, in a sense, can open loop control called the servo control.
208. A brushless DC motor servo - control system based on TMS 320 LF 2407 was designed.
209. The method has been applied in mechanical scanning antenna servo system.
210. With dynamical servo control theory introduced, life-like brachiation control of underactuated two-link robot is studied.
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