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Sending in a sentence

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Sentence count:175+22Posted:2017-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: send inendingbendinglendingpendingmendingtendingoffendingMeaning: [send]  n. the act of causing something to go (especially messages). 
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91. I can't attend the meeting in person, but I am sending someone to speak for me.
92. I am sending you literature from two other companies that provide a similar service.
93. The possibility of sending a new manager was inadvertently hinted at.
94. She travels in cyberspace by sending messages to friends around the world.
95. Sara sliced the ball, sending it a hundred metres or so to the left.
96. I use the internet mainly for sending email messages .
97. They've got a liberty, not even sending me a reply.
98. They're sending out the results next week, so we won't know anything until then.
99. He's always sending me flowers - he's a real pet!
100. The BBC alone is sending 300 technicians, directors and commentators.
101. The President has suggested sending a US peace envoy to Northern Ireland.
102. I dropped the pebble in the water, sending ripples across the pond.
103. Sending flowers is a measure of how much you care.
104. I xed out all the names of the people I wouldn't be sending cards to.
105. Instead of sending them to prison, we have set them to work helping the lemon growers.
106. A nearby volcano erupted violently, sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud.
107. He had been sending poison pen letters to his neighbours, hoping to make them move away.
108. I'll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.
109. Sending in bailiffs was the last straw.
110. So get sending those cards now.
111. The bookmakers were sending him off at five-to-one.
112. Caird is sending shareholders an external environmental audit which it commissioned from consultants Mott MacDonald.
113. This week it is sending out instructions to members not to administer or mark the tests.
114. Sending Galindo off with the national title might weaken the case for the United States.
115. I'm sending the document as an attachment. Please let me know if you have trouble reading it.
116. Several fires were burning[], the green wood being used sending clouds of acrid smoke swirling among the tents and make-shift huts.
117. Many of the deals struck in this frenzied atmosphere are sure to go sour eventually(, sending more companies to the brink.
118. It is believed the platform of the hoist toppled over the first floor balcony sending them crashing to the ground floor.
119. This will involve the sending of rejection letters or invitations to interview detailing time, place and other arrangements.
120. Lucker opens a case with brute force, sending unprocessed film rolling everywhere.
More similar words: send inendingbendinglendingpendingmendingtendingoffendingspendingunendingdependingascendingimpendingunbendingdefendingpretendingdescendingnever-endingheartrendingcondescendingvending machineuncomprehendingdeficit spendingcondescendinglyending inventoryconsumer spendingdiscretionary spendingend inblend inlanding
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