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Scheme in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+62Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: conniveconspirecontriveintrigueplanplotSimilar words: themeschedulechemistrychemicalon schedulebehind scheduleat the mercy ofahead of scheduleMeaning: [skɪːm]  n. 1. an elaborate and systematic plan of action 2. a statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery 3. a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole 4. an internal representation of the world; an organization of concepts and actions that can be revised by new information about the world 5. a schematic or preliminary plan. v. 1. form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner 2. devise a system or form a scheme for. 
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(241) I'm not getting involved in this fund-raising scheme if it isn't legit.
(242) The scheme looked like a good investment, but it turned out that the whole thing was a put-up job.
(243) They described the Home Office scheme as a "charter for cheats".
(244) I had to swallow my words when the scheme turned out to be a great success.
(245) The scheme has been set up to help homeless people.
(246) I am pleased to report that the scheme is going well.
(247) British Rail immediately hit back with their own cheap fares scheme.
(248) The company stands to gain quite a lot from this government scheme.
(249) The scheme is devised for young people in the 15 - 20 age band.
(250) The scheme was intended to provide financial help to unemployed workers.
(251) She's come up with a hare-brained scheme for getting her novel published.
(252) The lack of facilities for elderly people has cast doubts on the whole of the redevelopment scheme.
(253) We must channel all our energies into the new scheme.
(254) The advantages of this scheme more than outweigh the costs involved.
(255) They are unimpressed with the scheme and rightly see it for what it is.
(256) Employees have the choice to opt in to the scheme.
(256) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(257) He's got a hare-brained/crazy/daft scheme for getting rich before he's 20.
(258) This is another half-baked scheme that isn't going to work.
(259) The government has set up some half-baked scheme for training teachers on the job.
(260) The scheme offers free advice to people wanting to set up in business.
(261) The recycling scheme gets its first try-out in rural Dorset.
(262) She did not like the scheme,[] as she made clear every time she found a receptive ear .
(263) The government has managed to gain the commitment of employers to the scheme.
(264) The government's new scheme is designed to help the jobless.
(265) The annoying thing about the scheme is that it's confusing.
(266) Do you have any contingency plans if the scheme doesn't work?
(267) You can increase your monthly contributions to the pension scheme.
(268) A cash bonanza will be winging its way to the 600,000 members of the scheme.
(269) I am amazed that such a crackpot scheme could be seriously entertained.
(270) No clear consensus exists over the next stage of the scheme.
More similar words: themeschedulechemistrychemicalon schedulebehind scheduleat the mercy ofahead of schedulethemschoolscholarat schoolin schoolall the morethe mass ofin the mainchefcheweuphemismthemselvesat the momentfor the momentcheatcheercheapcheekchestdischargingafter schoolscholarship
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