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Schedule in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+25Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: enumerateindexline uplistpostprogramslateSimilar words: on schedulebehind scheduleahead of scheduleschemeadultruleshedcredulousMeaning: ['skedʒʊl /'ʃedjuːl]  n. 1. a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to 2. an ordered list of times at which things are planned to occur. v. 1. plan for an activity or event 2. make a schedule; plan the time and place for events. 
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121. Going on a long trip always means lots of rearrangements to my schedule.
122. Despite his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health.
123. You can't fit me into your busy schedule.
124. The Community is therefore currently behind schedule.
125. That dredging is now behind schedule.
126. Construction work fell behind schedule.
127. Roth also announced an energetic development schedule.
128. Everything went according to schedule.
129. Sandra quickly compromised and accepted the new work schedule.
130. Interstate 880 opened Tuesday, only three months behind schedule.
131. At this point we're ahead of schedule.
132. Clients sign contracts to become participants and agree to adhere to a rigorous schedule.
133. He reaffirmed the government's commitment to its programme to return the country to democratic civilian rule on schedule in 1992.
134. Despite his illness[], he plans to continue with his normal work schedule.
135. Simply for completing the sequence ahead of schedule, Myriad received a $ 3 million bonus.
136. Aside from linking the curriculum together, there are two additional benefits from altering the usual schedule of the high school day.
137. As the schedule stands now, the next test will not take place until November, too late to influence a decision.
138. There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full. W. C. Fields 
139. Admittedly, these were early days in the season, before the tough training schedule at Richmond had beefed up fitness levels.
140. Due to the economy's strong recovery[Sentencedict], Mexico will repay ahead of schedule the last installment of a $13.5 billion loan.
141. In complicated cases, the schedule can and should be drafted by counsel.
142. The more regular your schedule, the easier it is to retrain your circadian rhythm in a twenty-four-hour time period.
143. This might be accomplished in part by helping children restrict their after-school work time to the predetermined schedule.
144. A distributor ordered five gallons of car wash that was not shipped on schedule.
145. Copies of this schedule should be constructed in such a fashion that easy access be afforded the data collection process.
146. Their work can be stressful, as they attempt to schedule work to meet deadlines.
147. It is no accident, adds Mr Catterall, that the building project is ahead of schedule and within budget.
148. The administration wants the patients' 20 percent share also brought under the Medicare fee schedule.
149. Unfortunately, the difficulty of mustering the parade had been badly miscalculated and it was behind schedule.
150. They have to be reported on Schedule H, which can be attached to either Form 1040 or 1040A.
More similar words: on schedulebehind scheduleahead of scheduleschemeadultruleshedcredulousas a rulemoleculewashed outin the darkschoolscholarthe dark agesin schoolat schoolin the distancechewchefcheercheatcheekcheapchestafter schoolscholarshipdischargingthe death penaltyteacher
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