Similar words: assassinated, assassination, assassin, sassy, as as, sashay, sashimi, disaster. Meaning: n. an impudent or insolent rejoinder. v. answer back in an impudent or insolent manner.
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1 It was rude of a student to sass to the master.
2 Just listen to her sass!
3 Don't give me any of your sass.
4 Don't you sass me, young lady!
5 She takes no sass from her pupils.
6 Don't you sass your father like that!
7 Don't you dare sass me!
8 And don't sass the teacher,( Billy.
9 Don't sass your mother!
10 He is now Vice President of SASS.
11 The space scatterometer ( SASS ) sensed surface winds associated with numerous tropical cyclones.
12 Combien de temps encore , j'en ai sass é e de fuir je sais j'ai tort?
13 You just sit there and shut up - I don't want to hear any more of your sass.