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Revenue in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+12Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: earningsincomeproceedsexpenditureSimilar words: preventionfor everreverseeveneventeven ifeven nowelevenMeaning: ['revənuː / -nju-]  n. 1. the entire amount of income before any deductions are made 2. government income due to taxation. 
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91. Revenue was increased from 16,000 million rials in 1989, but the projected deficit was nevertheless up by 10 percent.
92. The government's budget was strengthened by increased customs revenue and more particularly by a spectacular rise in indirect taxation.
93. In particular, we should applaud the efforts of Tom McHugh and the Parking Section in their very important revenue gathering work.
94. This means that excise duty revenue from alcoholic drinks is not buoyant.
95. Pan has been struggling financially: last year alone, advertising revenue fell by 20%.
96. The company said revenue and earnings will fall significantly below second-quarter results.
97. The Manual was essentially concerned with prescribing the classification of revenue spending and capital spending, implicitly on the cash basis.
98. Sales of land began about 1540 and continued until Stuart times. Inflation eroded the revenue from land and commerce.
99. It was also open to the Revenue to apportion the tax among several beneficiaries according to any method they thought fit.
100. Central government may encourage local governments to raise more tax revenue by introducing new taxes, levying charges or borrowing.
101. It expects revenue to exceed $ 100 million this year, up from $ 85 million last year.
102. In an Inland Revenue consultation paper, Mr Brown also signalled a willingness to disregard student loans when calculating tax credit levels.
103. The loss of revenue from areas of the country affected by civil unrest had also contributed to the deficit.
104. It is the revenue that banks earn simply because they pay less for money than the interest rate they charge their customers.
105. Most of the gain was from trading revenue, which more than doubled to $ 369 million from $ 153 million.
106. He also came under attack in his capacity as a revenue farmer and would-be monopolist.
107. In collegiate circles, sports are divided into non-revenue and revenue categories quite blatantly.
108. As usual, marginal revenue equals the price times one minus one over the elasticity of demand.
109. Analysts suggested that the revenue from the ports would provide much-needed resources to reduce the country's massive budget deficit.
110. Afterwards the company's accounting staff prepare a preliminary financial budget for finance and revenue.
111. The Inland Revenue originally wanted the machinery ring to be responsible for tax deductions for such workers.
112. And they increasingly make revenue from research and consultancy services for commercial firms.
113. After that, he expects advertising revenue to cover the cost of supporting a customer.
114. That means Chantal could have been placed in the position of buying back product, thus converting revenue to inventory.
115. In fact, in 1914 he was entrusted with the task of servicing loans guaranteed by customs revenue earmarked for that purpose.
116. In addition, most information comes from official statistics, especially from the Inland Revenue, deriving from tax returns and death duties.
117. From the revenue side the solution adopted was to change both tax bases and tax rates.
118. The Lancastrian monarchy had depended heavily upon the customs duties for its normal revenue.
119. The provincial authorities were to turn over more revenue to the state while receiving reduced subsidies[], in order to centralize resources.
120. Pharmaceutical ad revenue is expected to soar 300 percent in 1997.
More similar words: preventionfor everreverseeveneventeven ifeven nowelevenrevelationseventheven whenin any eventeventuallyeven thoughin the event the number ofrenunciationa large number ofreviewprevailpreviousrevolvingpreviouslyovenvendorinvent
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