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Reduced in a sentence

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Sentence count:271+36Posted:2017-06-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inducedproducedreduceeducededuceseduceadduceinduceMeaning: [rɪ'duːst /-'dju-]  adj. 1. made less in size or amount or degree 2. well below normal (especially in price). 
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151, Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates.
152, Reduced interest rates would help ease recessionary pressures in the economy.
153, There was an impassable barrier between the white race and the one which they had reduced to slavery.
154, In July everything we sell is reduced right across the board.
155, The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice.
156, There will be a reduced bus service over the Christmas period.
157, We could get more lines on the page if we reduced the type size.
158, The charge was reduced to manslaughter, and she got away with three years in prison.
159, The deal would have reduced competition in the commuter-aircraft market.
160, The age of majority in Britain was reduced from 21 to 18 in 1970.
161, A reduced standard of living will develop from increasing taxation and rising unemployment.
162, They have reduced all their stock by 10% to match competitors' prices.
163, Several leading players boycotted the event in protest at the reduced prize money.
164, Extreme poverty had reduced them to a state of apathy.
165, Judges often give reduced sentences where there are mitigating circumstances.
166, The amount of grant the council received from the Government was progressively reduced.
167, The net result of the changes will be increased fares and reduced services for most rail travellers.
167, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
168, The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level.
169, The lights were dimmed out when the electricity supply was reduced.
170, The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines.
171, With the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.
172, Existing users will be able to upgrade their software at a reduced price.
173, Insurance costs will be reduced for houses fitted with window locks.
174, He hopes to have his 12-year prison term reduced by testifying against his former colleagues.
175, Some English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel.
176, The reform has reduced us to servants of the State.
177, The company has reduced its workforce and indefinitely idled a number of its US plants.
178, The fourteenth century cathedral was reduced to a mass of rubble.
179, The Labour majority was reduced to just 15 seats at the last election.
180, His life's work can be reduced to a search for truth.
More similar words: inducedproducedreduceeducededuceseduceadduceinduceconduceproducetraduceproducerintroducereproduceinducementreintroducereductionreducibleirreduciblereductio ad absurdumsaucetrucesaucerfaucetlucentlettucesprucesoy saucespruce uptranslucent
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