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Rear in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+18Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: backcreatefosterhindnurseposteriorproduceraisetrainAntonym: destroyfrontSimilar words: year after yearteargearwearyearhearareaswearMeaning: [rɪr /rɪə]  n. 1. the back of a military formation or procession 2. the side of an object that is opposite its front 3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer 4. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on 5. the side that goes last or is not normally seen. v. 1. stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds 2. bring up 3. rise up 4. cause to rise up 5. construct, build, or erect. adj. located in or toward the back or rear. 
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91. From its rear chassis, two heavy chains were securely attached to the steel bars of the gates.
92. Together, they walked down the aisle behind the crucifix, toward the rear of the church.
93. Mounted atop the upswept rear of the hull was a large biplane tail unit with triple fins and rudders.
94. Most lowland farmers keep some dairy cattle and rear calves as well as wintering and fattening sheep and lambs.
95. Duncan unlocked the door and supervised the fuelling from a small bowser as Myeloski made himself comfortable in the rear seat.
96. When the car arrived I noticed a large dent in the rear bumper and immediately lost my temper.
97. From there, a quiet backstreet led to the rear entrance of her apartment block.
98. I find the seats just as comfortable as the highly acclaimed Rover items, while rear passengers enjoy greater legroom.
99. Open drives provide unrestricted access to the rear of a property.
100. The two front seat backs tilt forward and make life easier for people climbing into the rear.
101. The new law will require passengers in the rear seats of automobiles to buckle their seatbelts.
102. The basic armament consisted of twin Vickers K machine guns mounted front and rear.
103. If we had to cite a bad point,( it would be the hard-to-reach drain plug on the rear axle housing.
104. The remains of the air filter system was fitted facing the rear bulkhead.
105. They attach themselves to her in the time-honoured order: strongest take the front teats, weakest the rear.
106. It is all outside frame with vacuum brakes on the rear bogie.
107. Mavis stood with her back against the rear wall, near the drinks bar; peering at the open casket.
108. Her white sweatshirt is bunched up and tucked in at the small of her back, so her rear is exposed.
109. Special Branch ... Two men in boiler suits emerged from inside the rear van.
110. This increasing castor thus compensates for any inclination of the car on the rear axle.
111. In a trench to his rear that he had ordered to be abandoned the previous night, eight shells burst almost simultaneously.
112. He must remember not to hit the brake too hard; it would lock the rear wheel and lay the bike down.
113. The cast-iron disc brakes work with four-pot calipers and it rides on 10ins rims at the front and 14ins at the rear.
114. Beyond them other streets with narrow rear alleyways and outside lavatories stretched all the way to the main road.
115. The cab control car of a commuter train being pushed from the rear collided head-on with an Amtrak diesel locomotive.
116. Problem: Thirdfloor rear walls in old rowhouses often are masonry supported only by an old wood beam at the level below.
117. Powers flew the aircraft back to San Marcos on the rear Rotax.
118. Standard equipment includes an electric sunroof, electric front windows, remote control central locking and a 60/40 split folding rear seat.
119. He carried the bag outside and dumped it in one of the trash cans at the rear of the cottage.
120. Wheelbase is the horizontal distance between front and rear axle centres.
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