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Hinge in a sentence

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Sentence count:165+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: claspdependfastenlockrest onseparateSimilar words: something elsetingethingfingersingernothingimpingewhiningMeaning: [hɪndʒ]  n. 1. a joint that holds two parts together so that one can swing relative to the other 2. a circumstance upon which subsequent events depend. v. attach with a hinge. 
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1, The lid of the suitcase had a broken hinge, so it wouldn't open easily.
2, My decision will hinge on your views.
3, Fit hinge bolts to give extra support to the door lock.
4, The home is the hinge on which family life turns.
5, They think all relationships hinge in the middle.
6, You look through the crack at the door hinge.
7, For added protection, fit hinge bolts.
8, Increases beyond that will hinge on negotiations over replenishing the soft-loan fund, he said.
9, She gives this a silken hinge and attaches gravel to its underside so that it will fall shut under its own weight.
10, Side doors hinge up[], and allow superb visibility for all occupants.
11, The hinge itself must also be horizontal, using a spirit level.
12, These help to reinforce the hinge side of your doors against the use of force.
13, The hinge connecting the front and rear pieces sits under the instep and lessens the chance of failure due to the metal flexing.
14, Unfortunately, there is no word for hinge in Sesotho and Father George had a tough time trying to translate.
15, A jammed hinge or latch can be freed with a penetrating oil such as Plus Gas.
16, As promised, none of our recommendations hinge on huge capital investments.
17, As we enter the final straight, everything will hinge on how we respond and adjust to the new ball game.
18, Much may hinge upon points that the typical executive might understandably regard as irritating technicalities.
19, Eventually both of the door's plastic hinge stubs broke, and it fell off!
20, But the long-term movement of stock prices will hinge on follow-up actions by the Cabinet and the Legislative Yuan.
21, The hinge was bent and the lid wouldn't shut properly.
22, The right panel dangled from its upper hinge, swaying slightly, its rusted hinge producing a soft, musical squeak.
23, Other promotion and relegation issues are pending and will hinge on further liaison committee meetings as well as certain leagues' annual meetings.
24, The shell is very robust, and inside there are very few,( powerful hinge teeth.
25, She tried to guess what he might have found out about Sabine Jourdain that did not hinge on her death.
26, She pushed it open; it was an old wooden house door drooping on one hinge.
27, Having anchored your sledge you fix your tow line to the front hinge piece, using a karabiner.
28, This is only partly because Mr Bush's prospects for success hinge on the answer.
29, The debate should not, however, centre on cost, but should hinge on the ultimate benefit to the nation.
30, Run the blunt end of the bone folder along the groove that forms the hinge.
More similar words: something elsetingethingfingersingernothingimpingewhiningfishinganythinginfringewrithingclothingnothing butingenuityin generalingenuousbreathingsomethingbleachinganything buteverythingsomething ofbathing suitsomething likeburst out laughingthinhintchinangel
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