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Rear in a sentence

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Sentence count:194+18Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: backcreatefosterhindnurseposteriorproduceraisetrainAntonym: destroyfrontSimilar words: year after yearteargearwearyearhearareaswearMeaning: [rɪr /rɪə]  n. 1. the back of a military formation or procession 2. the side of an object that is opposite its front 3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer 4. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on 5. the side that goes last or is not normally seen. v. 1. stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds 2. bring up 3. rise up 4. cause to rise up 5. construct, build, or erect. adj. located in or toward the back or rear. 
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31. This will bugger the rear suspension.
32. The rear doors include childproof locks.
33. It's a good place to rear young children.
34. The car has childproof locks on the rear doors.
35. This nippy new car has fold down rear seats.
36. Please exit from the rear door.
37. She walked into the front door of a store and exited from the rear.
38. In 1991, the British government made it mandatory to wear rear seat belts in cars.
39. A high gate blocks the only entrance to the rear.
40. 'So what?' asked Brian,( tipping his chair back on its rear legs.
41. Lions usually manage to rear about half the number of cubs born to them.
42. Students are requested to park at the rear of the Department.
43. When I pulled out of the space, I nicked the rear bumper of the car in front of me.
44. I turned away from the phone to see Lewis pat a waitress on her rear.
45. She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft.
46. The rear door hinges/is hinged at the top so that it opens upwards.
47. Always check your rear view mirror before you overtake .
48. The lorry clipped the rear of a tanker and then crashed into a second truck.
49. My rear nearside body panel needed replacing after the accident.
50. He opened the rear door for me with an apologetic tilt of his head.
51. The radio is loudest in the rear of the car.
52. They have an average-size front garden and a large rear garden.
53. David was the first to reach the summit, followed by Pat(, leaving Fergus to bring up the rear.
54. He spends all day sitting on his rear end in front of a computer.
55. He got a part as the rear end of a pantomime horse.
56. You two go ahead - Sam and I'll bring up the rear.
57. When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, it was Jemma who had the final say.
58. The car drove off with its rear door flapping open.
59. We had to rear it in a nursery and plant it out.
60. I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes.
More similar words: year after yearteargearwearyearhearareaswearbeardheartlearnearlyclearearthreadrealbear onnearbybear outwear outwear offtear uptear offat hearton earthhear ofnear tonearlyappearreact
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