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Psychiatric in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+5Posted:2017-09-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: psychiatricalSimilar words: psychiatristpsychiatrypsychometricspsychicpsychicspsychicalpediatricgeriatricMeaning: [‚saɪkɪ'ætrɪk(l)]  adj. relating to or used in or engaged in the practice of psychiatry. 
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151 Art brut was work produced by psychiatric patients, criminals and clairvoyants.
152 The authors' purpose in this paper was to attempt to dissect psychiatric symptoms and cognition in schizophrenia.
153 But experts at the Coney Hill Psychiatric Hospital are alarmed.
154 In psychiatric research and theory, self-knowledge could eventually replace objectivity as the basis for understanding.
155 Chris and Pauline met while being treated at the same psychiatric unit of a local hospital.
156 Subsequently, many opportunities exist to specialise, for example, in intensive care, in midwifery or in community psychiatric nursing.
157 A major worry for patients in psychiatric hospitals has always been money and access to it.
158 If this can not be assured, then the person may require admission to a psychiatric unit.
159 But what defines any psychiatric disorder is the combination of symptoms and how long they last, not one particular symptom.
160 We could respond to their needs at any time of the day or night, whether for psychiatric help or respite care.
161 A trained psychiatric nurse, he is the current artist in residence at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
162 As a psychotherapist for children and adolescents, she has placed kids in psychiatric hospitals.
163 Sometimes it is incorrectly assumed that listing patients' problems precludes inclusion of psychiatric diagnosis.
164 Why didn't she become a rape counsellor or a psychiatric nurse?
165 There was a strong element of a gamble on the future in any psychiatric hospital closure.
166 With a combination of psychotherapy and new psychiatric drugs, between 80 percent and 90 percent of depressed patients get relief.
167 Some severe cases require psychiatric treatment and / or referral to a pain center.
168 The court heard that 5 psychiatric reports had been prepared at Broadmoor.
169 A number of different types of psychiatric crisis intervention services had become available by the 1980s.
170 Stevenson was arrested for murder and confined in a hospital for psychiatric tests.
171 In fact, many childhood difficulties may not, in isolation,( raise psychiatric risk at all.
172 In particular they had considerably more marital difficulties, and were much more likely to be currently suffering from psychiatric disorder.
173 So, despite much that is progressive and encouraging in psychiatric hospital provision, there is still much room for improvement.
174 At the time we saw her, Jean was living in a hostel in North London and attending a psychiatric day centre.
175 The incident, caused by his impaired mental condition, cast a spotlight on the dearth of psychiatric facilities in the state.
176 Our experience indicates that the majority of in-patients in psychiatric hospitals are not particularly suitable, even if their major problem is anxiety.
177 Results - Agreement between team and research diagnoses ranged from 90% to 99% for the specific psychiatric disorders studied.
178 Humphrey is in a state psychiatric hospital after being convicted of beating his grandmother.
179 On the psychiatric ward, Muetzel and the others gathered themselves and then the patients to search for a way out.
180 I have no idea who they are, which just goes to show the ephemeral nature of psychiatric certainties.
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