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Prominently in a sentence

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Sentence count:130+3Posted:2017-03-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: prominentpreeminentlysolar prominencepermanentlyeminentimminentpre-eminenteminent domainMeaning: ['prɑmɪnəntlɪ /'prɒ-]  adv. in a prominent way. 
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91. Low price was the biggest drawing card, and ads prominently featured sale items.
92. To increase your click - throughs, design a simple, uncluttered page with the AdSense ads displayed prominently.
93. In the previous investigations, it was found that the core loss of Grain-oriented silicon steel sheets can prominently be lowered by means of Switch-Q laser processing.
94. If included, this section must be prominently cross - referenced on the cover page of the prospectus.
95. Character is what makes one man stand out more prominently than another.
96. The influences of transportation order in the erect pipeline and shutdown and blind pipeline and right angle pipe to contamination are analyzed prominently.
97. In most news reports the name Margot Bracken figured prominently.
98. That in itself was not a problem until several publishers of medical texts began prominently displaying the caduceus on the books given to students and doctors.
99. By extending the post-chamber length the oxidizing gas and the fuel pyrolytic gas can burn completely and the average combustion temperature can be prominently increased.
100. The eucalyptus oil still could prominently kill egg, the rate was 43.56 % after treated with 5 %.
101. For the algorism of temperature and moisture control, it makes profound analysis, puts forward a new algorism, and prominently improves the controlling quality.
102. Usually worn as erotic lingerie[], a cupless bra can cause the shape of the nipples to be prominently visible on an outer garment.
103. Many alternative authors have been suggested most prominently , Christopher Marlowe and Francis Bacon.
104. The thesis brings forward Random Number Sequence Shuffling Technology in a creative way, it can reduces the Linear Congruential Generator pertinency and discrete grid phenomena prominently.
105. The total interest earned over the life of the account is also prominently displayed in the passbook.
106. And that fact figures prominently in the Savannah, Ga . - based freight forwarder's information technology choices.
107. Though China's appetite for U.S. bonds is more attention-getting, talks with Beijing on cross border money laundering already figure prominently into the Sino-U.S. economic relationship.
108. Holly figured prominently in Celtic summer and winter solstice observances , and Romans used it extensively for Saturnalia celebrations.
109. Blue Nile should the location the testimonials and prominently display these the front page.
110. Conclusion:Mechanical ventilation can prominently improve the pneumorrhagia, and reduce the mortality of the premature infant pneumorrhagia.
111. She became an OMEGA ambassadress just a year ago and has already figured prominently in "My Choice" advertising campaign as well as making select public appearances on behalf of the company.
112. By partial carbonation of active lime, its pressure resistance and deliquescence proof capability can be prominently improved and in the meanwhile,[] its activity is lowered to some extent.
113. But color will be most prominently displayed throughout the day in the bridesmaid dresses.
114. Wal-Mart, the nation's largest grocery seller, has expanded its semimonthly advertising fliers and touts price reductions more prominently within its stores.
115. All personnel are required to have the company logo and name displayed prominently on their hard hat . The name will be applied above the brim of the hat using block letters.
116. Conclusion Low parameter mechanical ventilation can prominently improve the pneumorrhagia, and reduce the complication of mechanical ventilation.
117. To use insulating materials in non-working section of chromeplating hanging fixture can prominently cut down the consumption of chromic acid and electric power, and also raise production efficiency.
118. You and your guests are requested to wear the badges prominently throughout the race meeting; otherwise, our security staff will not let you enter the racecourse.
119. Make sure the seals are prominently displayed on the shopping cart and throughout the checkout process.
120. Everything about the Shanghai jamboree is super-size, most prominently the China Pavilion, a red upside-down pyramid with floor space equivalent to 35 football fields.
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