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Proficient in a sentence

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Sentence count:118+6Posted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adeptaptclevercompetentcrackdefteffectiveexpertingeniousmasterfulskilledSimilar words: proficiencyefficientsufficientinefficientcoefficientinsufficientsufficientlyefficiencyMeaning: [prə'fɪʃnt]  adj. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. 
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(31) The red crow was the most malicious and cutting, and was equally proficient at taunting either of the elderly pair.
(32) There is only one way to become proficient at anything - practice!
(33) If he decided to do something, he'd go away and become proficient at it.
(34) A proficient rather than brilliant amateur, Johnson went professional in 1968 and progressed well, winning thirty-two of thirty-eight contests.
(35) Black women, you see, swoon over Denzel Washington and Wesley Snipes because these men are proficient at computing differential equations.
(36) Some deaf children are, however, very proficient at sign language and they can also spell out words using finger spelling.
(37) He started playing instruments at age 5, imitating his father, who was a proficient multi-instrumentalist.
(38) A naturally gifted sportswoman, she became a proficient sculler, horsewoman, and mountaineer, and even mastered billiards.
(39) Swordsmen are amongst the most highly trained and proficient of the provincial regiments.
(40) If you are not a proficient typist, do not type your own work.
(41) It is known that he was proficient in the sciences of the time, as well as being a considerable linguist.
(42) Some Night Goblins become very proficient Squig hunters and come to be quite nonchalant about the dangers involved.
(43) Touch legering, like so many things worth doing, needs to be practised before you can expect to be proficient.
(44) Be proficient in application of OFFICE software.
(45) Proficient in written communication ( Chinese & English ).
(46) Be proficient in using financial software and Microsoft Office.
(47) He is proficient at repartee.
(48) Mottoes for teachers: dedicated, proficient, delighted.
(49) She was very proficient in music.
(50) Also the proficient technique is the key for MED.
(51) Be proficient in the use of drawing tools.
(52) He was proficient in all questions of genealogy.
(53) He doesn't look like a proficient in golf.
(54) Be proficient in English with customer.
(55) Be proficient in software test procedure and method.
(56) She is proficient in English.
(57) Good command of MS Office and proficient in English.
(58) And he was very proficient at measuring atomic mass.
(59) Proficient in CAD and computer operation.
(60) source code version control Folder backups by date VSS and beginning CVS/SVN user Proficient in using CVS and SVN features.
More similar words: proficiencyefficientsufficientinefficientcoefficientinsufficientsufficientlyefficiencydeficiencysufficiencyinefficiencyscientificunscientificscientific methodprofitprofitsmicroficheprofilenonprofitat a profitprofitablehigh profileprofit marginprofit motivescience fictionracial profilingancientprescientscientistpresciently
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